[OS#3] The Birthday You Never Had

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Hello there friendzzzzzz so this is a request from:

LilDWrites : Can you do a yaoi maybe? If not, then what about the guild finding out that Natsu doesn't have a b-day and Gray decided to do a little something about it.

Gray's POV

Guess what its my birthday we are having a party at the guild. Sure it was simple but it was fun like dancing, singing, and the two things that we can't forget in the party none other than eating and drinking booze

But then I spotted Natsu sitting at the counter talking to Mira who is serving food and beverages to the guildmates and some visitors.

I can feel Natsu is a bit gloomy this night so I sit Next to him "Something bothering you flame brain?" I asked "Except you, none" he said

"Shut up and tell me the truth Natsu you seem sad something happened?" I asked "I said its nothing" Natsu said irritatedly

"Stop lying Natsu, I can see it on your face what's bothering you? answer me please" I asked "I-its j-just that.......Gray how's having a birthday feels like?" Natsu mumbled the last part but I can still here it "Why do you ask? Have you even experienced having a birthday party once?" I asked

"No" he said monotonously staring at his feet with his bang covering his eyes "When is your birthday then?" The whole guild is staring at us when I asked that question to him coz no one in Fairy Tail know when is Natsu's birthday even master.

"I-i don't know" Natsu mumbled still looking at his feet. Me and the guild was surprised hearing what Natsu said "Then why do you consider yourself Nineteen years old if you didn't know when is you birthday is?" Mira asked who was in front of Natsu and I

"Igneel considered me a year old when it the anniversary of the day when he found me and took care of me and its next week" Natsu answered and walked out of the guild.

Then the guild started to gossip "Poor Salamander didn't know when is his own birthday" a guild member said

"I hope we can make a party just for him to experienced how a birthday feels like" Lucy stated who Gray overheard causing him to smirk

"Guys, Guys listen" Gray spoke to the lacrima powered microphone "Lucy your idea is brilliant, Why dont we give Natsu a party, like Natsu said Igneel considered him a year older when it comes the day when Igneel found him which is next week so we are planing a surprise party for Natsu" after that hell of an announcement of mine the whole guild cheered and agreed for Natsu's surprise party coz they want their beloved fire dragon slayer to feel how great it is to have a birthday party of his own

'I'll make you happy Natsu, just wait' I thought

[Time Skip: Next week]

Third Person's POV

At this morning Natsu went to the guild to get some request but before he could enter Happy flew to him and give him a request paper "What's this happy?" Natsu asked

"Let's do this job Natsu!" Happy exclaimed happily which Gray told him to do to distract Natsu while they prepare his surprise birthday party

"Then whats the job?" He asked "Its just help a café to serve some orders" Happy stated "Let's go Happy!" Natsu exclaimed happily "Aye!!" Happy replied

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