Teasing Uncles

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Nathan watched from where he was sitting at the table as his father took a seat rejoining him and his uncles as they finished dinner.

Barbara and Leah decided to go visit her father at the GCPD, so Dick saw this as the perfect opportunity for a long overdue 'Bros night' as he called it.

"I'm so glad everyone could make it here tonight" Dick grinned looking at his son and all his brothers

Tim smiled "Me too, it's nice to get out of the routine of just home, work and patrol"

Dick nodded "That reminds me. How are things at home?" he asked

"Yeah Drake how did you get relieved of your stereotype duties?" Damian asked turning toward him

Tim rolled his eyes, Damian had calmed down a lot as he got older but her was still the same old Damian at times

"Steph is great she's home with the baby. And if you must know Dami when I mentioned tonight to her she encouraged me to go" Tim informed them

"That's great" Dick smiled

Jason shut the refrigerator door and walked back toward the table

"Hey Jay, when do you think you'll ever get married and start a family?" Dick asked looking at him

Jason stopped walking and stood next to the table "Never, I prefer the freelance life going where I want, when I want to do what I want" he popped open a beer "Besides, being the cool uncle is more fun than being a dad" he said setting the beer down in front of Nathan and returning to his seat

Dick quickly grabbed the beer away from his son and slid it back toward Jason

Jason let out a chuckle "Your no fun Dickie Bird" he grinned

"Do you have any idea how much my wife would kill me if I let our 14-year-old drink a beer" Dick said narrowing his eyes at Jason

"He's almost 15" Jason sarcastically argued

Dick shook his head in amusement

Tim let out a small laugh "Speaking of wives, when are you going to get your Robin a Batgirl?"

"Get me a batgirl?" Nathan asked confused

Dick looked at Tim who nodded "Do you mean we should add a batgirl?" He asked changing the way Tim said the statement

Tim shook his head "When you were Robin Barbara was Batgirl and when I was Robin Stephanie was Batgirl and look how amazing that turned out" he smiled

Dick chuckled "Are you suggesting I find a cute girl to be Batgirl so my son will have a girlfriend?" He rose an eyebrow

Tim shot him a joking smile and nodded his head

"It's not a bad idea, I didn't get my own Batgirl when I was Robin and look how that turned out for me." He joked letting out a laugh

"Hey, I didn't have a batgirl and I'm fine" Damian said raising his hands

They all turned their heads to face him "Do I really need to explain to you how false that statement is" Tim grinned

Damian glared at him "I will stab you" he said waving his fork at him

"Seriously though it's not a bad idea, help my little nephew find a girlfriend, he needs his first kiss" Jason pointed with his beer

Nathan put his head on the table covering his face with his arms

Tim reached over and gently grabbed the boy's hair pulling his head up "Oh my God he's blushing!" He said pointing at the boys rosy red cheeks

Damian examined Nathan's face "Nephew, why are you experiencing reddening of your face?" He asked tilting his head to the side

Nathan remained silent and looked at his dad and uncles hoping the conversation would end

"It's because he already kissed a girl." Jason said proudly after examining Nathan's facial expression

"This is not happening" Nathan groaned putting his face in his hands

Dicks eyes widened "you DID kiss a girl! That's my boy!" he said patting him on the back "What's her name? When did you do it? Were you the one to take charge?" He asked excitedly

Nathan didn't answer he squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head from embarrassment. Besides there was no way he was answering those questions.

Damian let out a chuckle "Grayson like you're the one to talk, wasn't your first kiss in a closet?" He asked

Dick looked back at Damian and nodded "Yeah and?"

Damian rolled his eyes "Well from what I've always been told, it was at your 14th birthday and you were all shy and nervous but she took charge"

"Who told you that?" Dick chucked nervously and rolled his eyes

"The one who did it. Your wife" Damian responded

Nathan tilted his head and gave his father a questionable look

Dick let out a nervous laugh and nodded his head "Maybe I wasn't always as suave and cool as I lead on that I was " he told him

Nathan let out a breath feeling that the conversation was going away from him "So where was the kiss at Dad?" Nathan questioned

Dick smiled and looked up fondly "At the manor, you know the one hallway that leads to a dead end with coat closet"

Nathan closed his eyes for a second and hoped he wasn't visibly blushing again. "You have to be kidding me I basically had my first kiss in the same spot as my parents" he mentally thought

"Yeah I know the one" he nodded after regaining his composure

The door opened and Leah and Barbara walked in

"Uncle Jason!" Leah said happily running toward him and engulfing him in a hug he patted her on the back

"You know it concerns me that you're her favorite" Dick said with a grin

"Why? I told you I'm the cool uncle" he said finishing his drink and throwing the can across the kitchen landing it in the trash can perfectly

"How was grandpa?" Nathan asked looking at his mom

She smiled "He's good, busy but good. He misses you though"

Nathan nodded "I'll come by the station after school one day this week and visit him"

The front door swung open again and Melanie and Mark walked in

"Hey, all the Robins are here!" Mark grinned throwing his arms out wide

Melanie waved "Hey everyone, you ready to go Nate?" she asked

"Where are you guys going?" Jason asked curiously

Nathan shrugged "Sleep over at the cave tonight, we're doing some sort of telepathic training where Miss. Martian is going to go inside our brains, and we get to have mission together. Mentally that is." he said excitedly "Come on guys let's go" they waved goodbye and left toward the secret entrance to the Nightcave

Tim looked over at Dick and rose an eyebrow remembering the story he had heard Dick tell of when they did something similar when he was Robin. "You're okay with this?" he asked looking at Barbara

She shrugged "Bruce was the one who suggested it, at first we were all very hesitant but then Dick remembered how it really helped form them as a team. We are all going to the cave tonight so that everyone's parents are there when the process is taking place" she explained

Dick nodded "We are going to be very careful with what kind of mission we put in their minds, we should probably get going. You guys are more than welcome to hang around as long as you'd like, Damian don't forget Leah is going back with you to Bruce's tonight" he said standing up.

Damian nodded indicating that he remembered

"It was great seeing everyone we all need to get together more often" Barbara finished with a smile

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