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Note: Welcome to Interoffice (The Series)! I've had this idea for quite some time and I definitely miss writing their I finally got round to writing it today. Makes me wonder what kind of silly antics they'll get up to in the office!

Anyway, this story isn't linked to 'Make The Best Of It', but I hope you'll enjoy it just the same!



Monday means it's the start of Arthit's usual routine.

His alarm blares at exactly 6.13am (because even two minutes of extra sleep is considered precious when you're a working adult), he spends fifteen minutes under the shower head half-asleep and mistakes the shampoo for body wash, gets dressed, has breakfast (a piece of banana bread with peanut butter slathered thickly on it) and boards the 7.15am bus that'll take him to his office.

Morning traffic takes up fifteen minutes (what's new) and the bus promptly arrives at the stop at exactly 7.46am. Which gives more than enough time to queue up for pink milk.

Yes, he's an adult whose favourite drink is pink milk. Get over it.

(If anyone dare say that it's a sissy drink, they're fucking dead meat)

Arthit is seated at his desk by 8.59am.

And that has pretty much been his routine for two years ever since he started working for this company (SOTUS Engineering) as an IT engineer. He enjoys his job well enough to stay and it pays decently as well, so Arthit supposes that he can't complain much. Besides, he's made a couple of close friends over the past two years and they're partly the reason why he's still sane despite the mounting workload.

Which reminds him. Arthit prints out last week's overtime sheet, whistling as he makes his way towards where the human resource employees are seated. He's slightly surprised to find that Knott is already in his seat, considering that he only starts work at 9.30am. The male's gazing at his laptop screen with utmost concentration, fingers rapidly moving over the keypad as he makes adjustments to the excel sheet that he's working on.

(Then again, this particular friend is quite the workaholic so maybe Arthit shouldn't be surprised)

''Morning, Ai'Knott. Here's last week's timesheet.'' Arthit hands the other his printout before folding both arms on the desk partition. ''Man, you're extra early today.''

Knott gestures to his half-empty mug of black coffee, ''Tell me about it. There's a couple of interns coming in this week so I've got to get their accounts and workstations set up. There's going to be one posted to your department.'' He directs those words at Arthit with a warning look. ''Don't scare him, Ai'Arthit. I don't need any interns crying on their first day telling me they want a transfer.''

Arthit doesn't bother feigning innocence, ''What? It's not my fault that they don't know what they're doing.''

''Be nice. They're here for a reason. To learn. And they can't do that if you keep picking on them over nitty gritty stuff.'' Knott reminds, straightening up in his seat when he spots a familiar figure entering the office, his off-key singing breaking the silence of the office. ''Ai'Bright, have you completed the online survey? I sent you five e-mail reminders last week.''

Bright stops in his tracks and pulls out his left earbud, shooting his friend a sheepish smile as he makes his way over. There's no such thing as Monday blues for this person, definitely standing out in the fuchsia dress shirt that he's wearing. Arthit thinks that his tie (yellow ducks printed on the fabric) definitely doesn't match with the shirt, but that's Bright for you. It suits his quirky programmer cum web content developer image.

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