Chapter 4: New beginning, New friend

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I was half awake in the morning, practically a zombie. My eyes seemed to be deceiving me, every time I looked in the mirror my reflection would laugh at me and tell me I was stupid for hitting Damien but I couldn’t help think that he probably didn’t mind…

I carried my guilt to school, in the morning I waited for Damien to be seated next to me so I could apologise.

Half an hour passed but Damien still wasn’t in; it was nearly time for our first lesson. He finally came in 20 minutes late after lesson started and was immediately given a detention slip. Mrs Malone huffed through her nose as she tried to explain through the lesson about “the works of Shakespeare”.

“Damien….”, I whispered

“hmm…?”, his eyes turned to meet mine, they looked as if they would be sealed shut any second from boredom.

“Sorry about yesterday, you know your head and sticks”

“It’s fine, I think I deserved it anyway”, he sat there patting his head from where it hurt. “poor me”, he gestured.

I hysterically laughed at his gestures and facial expressions without realising how silent the class room was. Everyone turned to look at me and once again some of the girls scowled at me.

“Is there something you want to share with the class Anna?”, Mrs Malone’s voice was raised in annoyance. “NO, I didn’t think so! You can join Mr Dawn for detention as well!” 

I blinked at my desk for a couple of times and laughed in my mind at the fact that this was my first ever high school detention.

“Are you annoyed?”, Damien peeped over at me and searched my face for answers.

“No, why should I be?”

“Because I got you in trouble, sorry”        

“It’s not your fault that I laugh!”, I sniggered

For the rest of the day our lessons continued fine, detention was not as bad as I thought it would be and we ended up howling with laughter when we mixed the chemicals in science and Jamie Elliot accidently sneezed on it so that it looked like lava from a volcano was splattered across the floor and stained against the wall.

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