Chapter 8 - The long waited day out

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“Honey a little makeup won’t hurt anyo…”

“NO! This colour is terrible..”, I sighed ,thoroughly smudging the pink eye shadow.

Mum rolled her eyes, “next you’re going to tell me you’re not a girl! Honestly who doesn’t like a touch of light makeup?”

It was my first day out with mum since ages. We’ve visited seven shops so far and have bought a designer, tight fitting leather jacket for myself and three bottles of pungent feminine perfume for my mum. The jacket had skull shaped décor along the collar which I thought made it look really edgy and poser worthy for selfies. I’d spent an hour in my room taking selfies with my leather jacket, in front of my wardrobe mirror until my arm surrendered to the ache of holding the phone up for so long.

‘Are you ready?’

‘Ready for…?’ I questioned

‘The rest of our shopping trip.’ mum turned around from her gaze at my wardrobe mirror and clicked the lid back on to the lipstick. ‘The leather jacket looks good on you, wear that’

‘We’ve already been shopping’, I whined , slowly scooping my bangs to the back of my head only to have it fall back in place, neatly aligned with my eye brows.

‘Yes, but not properly I want to buy my girl everything we can find in all of Sutton!’, she giggled without a hint of irony in her voice.

By 5pm we left the house -again. I browsed through the windows outside all the shops that we stopped by, whilst mum thoroughly inspected everything inside it. Nothing seemed appealing to me so I turned to my mobile instead, but even that didn’t suffice. Ninety-percent of my Facebook page were pictures of the ‘popular’ girls in slim-fitted bodycon dresses, matched with luminous lipstick and long, side-swept hair over one shoulder. I scrolled further down my Facebook page, but the selfies were never ending so I just switched off my phone. Suddenly the thought of Damien crept into my head. What if he liked girls like that? I bet he does… my mind depressed me. I looked up at the shop window beside me, the most stunning bodycon dress dazzled before my eyes. It would never suit me; I thought. But I had to have it. I keenly opened the shop door and strode towards my mum. “Mum”

“Anna! You gave me a fright”, she had one hand on her chest and the other on a hot pink maxi dress: Like something a Malibu Barbie doll would wear. “ What is it hun?”

I turned my head slowly towards the bodycon dress and bit my lip to prepare myself for what I was about to say. “I want that dress”, I nodded towards the shop window. My mum blinked, looked at me then blinked again.

“That is a hot dress, but I’ve seen your wardrobe there’s nothing like it in there; it’s all tops and jeans”

“I know mum. I want to try something new”, I said with half-confidence.

“BRILLIANT!”, my mum exclaimed – loud enough for the whole street to hear. “I never thought I’d see the day where I could buy something girly for my only daughter” She rushed over to the window and ran her fingers down the dress excitedly. “how much is it?”, she called to the nearest shop assistant.

“That’s part of our latest collection Miss”, the young lady assistant explained. “It’s three-hundred in the UK, much cheaper than they’re selling it in the US”

“We’ll take it!”, she whipped out her credit card over at the pay desk, impatiently waiting for the assistant to return with the dress from their storage collection.

“You’re a size eight, miss?”

“Yes, but it’s not for me. It’s for my daughter, she’s also a size eight”, Mum smiled proudly.

“Oh, here you are”, she seemed slightly shocked. Who could blame her? I came to the shop wearing a plain black top and casual jeans – the complete opposite to a tight fitting dress.

As I was heading towards the shop exit, I constantly looked down into the shopping bag, just to make sure it was real. I’d never bought any clothes as expensive or as classy as this. In fact, I don’t even think my entire wardrobe is worth three-hundred pounds. My mind was so consumed by the thought of the dress that I had lost sense of my surroundings and accidently walked straight into a guy. Before I’d realised I had hit someone, I was already lying flat on my back.

“I’m sorry! Sorry…” I exhaled. The boy standing over me reflected the same concern as me.

“N-No, I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking”, He offered me his hand. I looked up. Immediately, I was captivated by his emerald eyes and  smooth lips. I slipped my hand into his, feeling awed by his grip as he pulled me up. “you’re ok, right?”

I snapped back to reality. “Yes, of course, Yes” He didn’t look much older than me. I didn’t want to care, but I did.

“Great, sorry again”, he flashed a perfect smile and walked straight by, without a second glance.

“Wow, he was hot”, said mum with an excited smile. “Really hot”, She emphasised.

“Mum… I don’t even know him”, I said half disappointed. I was never going to see him again, he was just a moment. I knew from then that Damien wasn’t just a moment – I truly wanted him.

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