Set Up (Wolfstar)

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Wow isn't Ezra pretty. Yeah me too.

Trigger warning: panic attacks


Remus considered himself to be the average anxiety ridden teenager. Except for his 'furry little problem' which was understandably more of a hindrance in making him likeable. The point was, he was never special; regularly overlooked and taken for granted even by his best friends. For the most part, he was okay with this (often describing himself as 'quietly badass') but he secretly longed to be noticed. Which is why he was so surprised when he finally was.

It was a drizzly December morning in his fifth year at Hogwarts and the common room was in chaos with everyone packing up to leave for the holidays. Luckily for him, all four Marauders had agreed to stay at school for Hogwarts because Remus' parents were struggling to help assist him with his transformations now. This meant the four friends were heavily rubbing it in everyone's flustered faces as they attempted to close their messily packed trunks by lounging about with their feet up and commenting on how bored they were.

It's safe to say Remus was very excited. He would have a practically empty castle to explore with his best friends, no big crowds and he would even have the library to himself sometimes. It would be incredible. Maybe he would even have some time alone with Sirius. He assumed Sirius would be too busy scheming and wreaking havoc throughout the castle to bother with him. At least he could hang out with Peter who was nice but a lot less attractive.

A few lazily spent hours later, they were waving Lily off at the main entrance with a bit of snogging and promises to write. Finally (once Sirius and James had been forced away from each other), Lily was on her way home and they were back in the almost empty common room.

"So," announced James, "what shall we do first?"

"Well I'm going to the library! It hasn't been free for months!" Remus said, jumping up.

"No you're not Remmy. We need your help." Sirius pulled him back down into his seat by the sleeve of his jumper. "James, explain the plan to dear Remus."

"I thought I was the deer!" James protested.

"Just do it."

James stood up and cleared his throat dramatically, "Sirius over here has a crush who just happens to be staying at Hogwarts for Christmas and he seems to think that it is the perfect opportunity for a set-up."

Remus' stomach dropped. Sirius had a crush? I mean of course he did - why shouldn't he? There were plenty of attractive girls at Hogwarts and it was unavoidable that Sirius would take a fancy to one of them but he had hoped he wouldn't have to find out.

"Um okay. And where do I come into this?"

"Well, Sirius is too chicken to ask h- them himself and he is under the impression that I am a 'hopeless idiot who can only get a date out of pity' and he doesn't want my help."

"What about Peter?" He was seriously trying anything to get out of this.

"We already asked Peter and his ideas were, to put it lightly, shit."

Peter nodded in agreement and Remus sighed loudly. "Fine. Who is it? If you're making me do this, I'm doing it properly."

James and Sirius exchanged a panicked look before Sirius piped up, "Well... how would you want to be asked? I don't want to tell you who it is in case it goes badly."

"What I would want is for you to tell me using your words and then give me my weight in chocolate and your favourite book for me to read but I really doubt that that would work for everyone. It's not one size fits all."

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