Okay guys,I want to have the "talk" with you guys.Soooo....
Do you want there to be a sex scene or sceneS in this book.If everyone says yes and you say no because you are uncomfortable...well..then I don't care I'm still doing it majority rules.So tell me yes or no.And if you respond quick enough I'll add you into the story and follow you. And make longer chapters just for yal👏🏽clap for me.Im doing this because I SADLY like you guys.
Sooooo chose
Adopted and abused
FanfictionTeo stop your hurting me.He kept going faster and faster.I just kept counting in my head:1...2...3... Teo:you should've gone back to the orphanage where you came from. This moment I knew I was getting raped by Teo.My brother.I felt used.and hurt.