chapter 18

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"Zach what's been bothering you?" I asked. "Nothing.." He says. "I know there is something. What is it?" I asked.

"Well......" Zach hesitated for a moment. "Well..." I say. "I'm bisexual." He says. "Why is it bothering you?" I asked. "Cause its not that. Its just. I'm in love with Daniel." He blurts out. I was surprised. "Woah." I say."yeah how are you suppose to tell your best friend you love them more then just a brother." He says. I can't believe it my bestfriend is in love with my other bestfriend. I was happy. I guess I was just staring cause zach had walked away. Operation get zach and danny together was in the go.

I walked back in and made a group chat with corbyn, Jonah, and jack.

Lexy: hey guys.

Noodles: hey.

Corbean: hello.

Father: hi.

Lexy: okay dont add danny and zach. This group chat is important and secrecy.

Noodles: we promise pasta.

Jonah changed your name to pasta.

Pasta: wow thanks guys

Corbean: lol. So what's the haps. Why are we here.

Pasta: we are here today because....zach is um.

Noodles: bisexual? Yeah I know. I can see it.

Father: wow. That's cool why hasn't he told us yet?

Pasta: cause he is in love with Daniel.

Corbean: oh okay. I support him.

Noodles: same.

Father: as do I.

Pasta: I do to but he really likes Daniel. Is Daniel even like gay or bi.

Noodle: we don't know he doesn't tell us much.

Corbean: yeah.

Pasta: well here's the plan. First we see if Daniel is gay or bi or And other sexuality. Then if he isn't straight then we tell them to confess there love to each other to one of us. Then we tell them to go talk to each other while we are out.

Noodles: sounds like a plan.

Corbean: I'm in.

Father: count me in.

I look up and smile. Daniel and zach were confused. We are gonna start tomorrow after we take the neighbors out to breakfast.


I awoken on the couch. I guess I fell asleep in the middle of the night. I hear the doorbell. I got up and went to answer it. It was aston and his boyfriend. "Sorry I just woke up. But come on in." I say. Aston giggles and him and boyfriend walks in. "This is James." He says. I shake James hand. "Nice to me you." I say.

The boys walk down stairs shirtless and I see jack. He walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist. "Good morning babe." He says. "Morning." I say.


Aston and James was so delighted to have went out ate with us. I think I found some more friends. Operation D and Z were in the go again. It was gonna be me asking danny. Noodles was gonna tell zach he knew the whole time. Jonah and corbyn were gonna take me and jack out for Dinner. I saw daniel outside. I walked out to him. "Hey nerd." I say. "Hey." He says. "You okay?" I asked. "Nothing a lot on my mind." He says. "Like?" I asked.

I heard him mumble zach. I smiled. "What did you say?" I asked. "I said. Zach." He whisper yelled. "Wait so you like him?" I asked. He nods. "Go talk to him." I say. He sighs and nods. Jack gave me a thumbs up and me and daniel went in. "Well while we go out to get something to eat you two need to talk." I say. Me and the three boys leave.

Daniels POV

They just left me here with the love of my life. I hate them so much. He is so adorable. "So i-" we both say. "You go first." I say scratching he back of my neck.

Zach POV

Well zach go on tell him. Tell your best friend you love him.
"Well I..." I start. "You what?" He asked. "Daniel I l-" I feel a pair of lips crash onto mine. I kissed back. It was a passionate kiss. We pull away. "You were taking to long to say I love you. Cause I love you t-" now it was my turn to cut him of with a kiss. We pull away. "Zach herron. Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked me. "Yes!!" I say. We kissed for he third time.

Lexy POV.

We came home and we didn't hear any yelling. I opened the door and saw the two boys cuddling on the couch. "Oh my god. The plan worked!! I'm going to die of fangirling to much." I scream. "Calm down Alexis." Says jack. "I can't they are together and I'm gonna mentally die." I say. I give them there food and sat on the floor and stare at them with my hand on my chin. "What?" Daniel says. "You two are so cute together." I say. "Okay lexy leave them alone." Says jonah. I frown and leave. Zach chuckles and so does daniel.

*2 weeks later*..

Daniel and zach came out that they were dating and the fan base was blowing up. Everyone was waiting for this moment like me. I was still having to be told to leave the couple alone cause I would watch them. Jack has had to f*uck me to get my mind off if it at times.

Aston and James are going on a double date with daniel and zach. "Send me pictures." I yell out the door. "You're so weird pasta." Says jack. "That's why you love me noodles." I say. I go and cuddle him on the couch. Corbyn was with Christina. Jonah was with some girl on a date. It was me and jack. I turned on some music and started dancing. Jack watched my every movement. He was getting turned on. I could tell cause he ran his hand through his hair. I kept dancing. I danced into the kitchen.

************SMUT UP AHEAD.************I REPEAT****************************†********†††††††

I walked back and saw jack with his head leaned back and he was jerking off. I gasped and turned of the music. I smirked and looked up flustered. "Do you need some help?" I asked. He nodded slowly. I giggled and walk over and grabbed his dick. I gave him a hand job. He was moaning and groaning. He started to pull my shirt off. "No no no. Its your turn to get pleasured tonight so just relax." I say. He groaned. I put his tip in my mouth and started to Bob my head up and down. He was a moaning mess. "oh my god~ lexy. Yes faster~." I giggled sending vibrations onto him. He got harder in my mouth. Soon he came into my mouth. I swallowed it and stood up. I took off my shirt and my panties since I was just wearing skirt. I got on top of him and his dick slid right in.

I started to bounce up and down. My legs started to get weak. He got he message as he held my hips and trusted into me while I rode him. We too caught up in the moment we didn't think about protection. "Jack~ i- I'm close." I say. "Me too." He groaned. Soon we both climaxed and screamed each other names.

*******OKAY I IS NOW DONE AND YOU MAY PROCEED!!****************************

I kissed him. We were panting. "Well we both need a shower let's go." He says. He takes me to the bathroom. He picked up my cloths and sprayed frebreeze. We then take a nice long shower. I love this boy.

So how did ya like it. I really liked this one its my favorite. Thanks for reading this book. I love you oreos. C ya!!!

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