Mickey's Cupcakes

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     "One of the most common descussions at schools across the nation is...?" Ms. Mekony inquired, her shrill voice resonating around the noncarpeted area of the classroom and causing conversation to come to an abrupt halt. The door closed with an especially loud click in the newfound silence created by her entrance.

     "Bullying prevention...?" asked a timid looking boy with firey red hair and sea green eyes from his seat at the front right corner of the classroom. His answer was more of a question. A few kids bobbed their heads in silent agreement from their different locations across the room.

     "That could be an answer, I suppose, but not quite what I was going for," she said with a smile after a moment of consideration, revealing a bit of bright pink lipstick that had managed to stain a tooth in her mouth. Ms. Mekony was one of the sweetest women I had ever met, but she reminded me of a disraught grandmother. It took a lot for her not to digress, and was always stating that something had "slipped her mind," along with other elderly excuses.  She was very loose when it came to turning in homework and blurting things out, though, so she was perfectly fine in my book.

     The duration of the period was spent debating over typical arguments such as school dress code, which in fact was the topic she had originally thought of. She then assigned her English students to go out that weekend on one of the school buses that traveled into the nearby town on both Saturday and Sunday in search of a topic that we would be willing to spend a month researching and writing a large paper on.

     A sharp ring from the bell signaled the end of class, and everyone packed their things before sauntering out of the room, me being one of them, to their next destination. Turning outside the classroom I kept my eyes alert for the familiar head of shaggy brunnett hair that usually stuck out, until I finally spotted it near the dingy boys bathroom on the second floor of the school's main building. Weaving in and out of the students hurrying every which-way for their next class or other activity provided by the school, I ran towards my target and jumped onto his back with a nicely executed war cry, wrapping my arms and legs around him like a baby monkey.

     "Hey there handsome," I murmered huskily into his ear, hearing the small group around him laugh as a noticable pink flushed his cheeks.

     "Whoa Tori, lets save the affection for behind closed doors, okay?" came a startled voice, and I peeked over Joshua, the boy I was currently straddling's, shoulder to see a petite blonde with round, crystal blue eyes.

     "AMYAMYAMY," I proclaimed, leaping from Josh's back and stumbling towards her as I wrapped my arms around her neck. A large smile flashed across Amy's face before it morphed back into a troubling look. "What's wrong, babe?" I asked, pulling back and looping my arm through hers before turning and gently pulling her with me towards the stairs. The others would understand if we stepped away for a while. My unaturally high spirits descended, and we fell into a companiable silence as we walked towards our favorite tree near the soccer field.

     Amy and I had become very close over the past month that I had attended this school, although Elisa and I were still as inseperable as two separated gals could be. She stood at a meager 5'1", with bleach-blonde hair that fell in natural waves to her bust. She had slightly tan skin and blue eyes that usually remained at a constant pale blue, but were now more of a hue bordering on grey.

     "My pa found out about that little stunt we pulled on Bobby back during the first week and there's a possibilty that I'll be transferring schools in the near future," she explained after a few minutes of silence. She was referring to the first week of school when Joshua had snuck in a bottle of vodka and after a half hour of playing never have I ever Daniel had come up with the idea to put red powder in the shower's head of his room before his roomate Bobby took a shower. His reaction was priceless due to the fact that without his glasses and still being half asleep he had mistaken the stream of red water for actual blood. Fun and games had resulted in two weeks worth of detention and nearby school community service after Bobby slipped and fell, breaking his pinky.

     His pinky, I mean really?

     Needless to say, the teachers and our parents weren't exactly impressed with our seemingly harmless stunt, and we didn't plan on doing that again any time soon. Although far-fetched, having heard of Amy's family often made their reaction somewhat predictable, but before I opened my mouth to protest, I realized that Amy wasn't finished talking.

     "They told me that if me and a friend or two who were involved in the incident did something that proved they were more responsible than what has been decided during first impressions...they'd reconsider..." she said quietly, and after the rest of our lunch period discussing solutions to this problem, we came to a decision and ran it by the rest of the group that night.


     Which is why I'm now standing here in one of Britt's cute floral dresses and a pair of bright yellow sandals, my long hair pulled back into a fishtail braid, trying to score a job at Mickey's Cupcakes.


So a week turned into two weeks, two weeks soon turned into three, so on and so forth until today, being sick and at home from school, I sat down and wrote this! I'll get better at uploading, it's just that initial motivation that I always lack! Anyways, I hope you like this, and I'll try and upload soon!

I did not edit or proofread this, sorry.

Also, seeing as I do not attend high school and this school is entirely fictional, it would be wonderful if someone wanted to come up with a schedule for my lovely Tori. Thanks :)

Hugs and Powerade,

Lauren xoxo

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