Tickle Me Pink

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     "What in the heavens is going on here?" came a startled voice to my left. Although, it was hard to focus on the words when I was jerky and screaming, limbs flying wildly as I desperately tried to push Andy off of me. Andy finally stepped back, a few chuckles escaping from the smirk on his oh-so-handsome face. He dusted the non-existent particles from his hands, before spinning on his heel to face Mrs. Ryans. I doubled over, gasping for much needed breathe and tried to rid the heat from my face.

     "Oh Karen, lighten up, Tori and I were just getting to know each other," he said, walking over and giving her a light kiss on the cheek, making the elderly lady's cheeks obtain a light pinkish color. Figures, I thought, seems she isn't the only one affected by his charm.

     "That looked like a bit more than getting to know each other," a male voice cheekily replied from behind Karen's small frame. The fading blush quickly made itself known on my face again as I looked down at the floor. What the hell, Tori? I thought angrily. I didn't even know Andy, and here we were, all over each other in the back of the store that I was desperately trying to get a job at. You're doing a great job. Came my mind's bitter reply.

     "Jealousy isn't a pretty feature on anyone," Andy threw over his shoulder with a laugh, waltzing  back over to my side and throwing an arm over my shoulders. I squirmed, obviously uncomfortable that Andy was so close with Mrs. Ryan around. 

     "Okay ass-" Mick started, but paled visibly at the look he received from his mother. I could only assume what the horror-inducing glance looked at, seeing as Mrs. Ryans' face was turned away from me. My best guess was that I didn't want to know. She looked back at us with a small, knowing smile playing across her lips. 

     "Well, Tori," Mrs. Ryans' started, her smile still prominent on her face. "I see my boys have taken quite the liking to you. Of course, how could they not warm up to a pretty girl like you?" she laughed, walking forwards and handing me a folded piece of paper that I hadn't noticed she had before. I gave up fighting the blush that threatened to overtake my face and took the paper from her grasp. 

     "She's right, you know. What you lack in grace you make up for in looks," Andy chirped, smirking at me. I quickly shrugged his arm off of my shoulder, hoping it would take the odd look off of Karen's face.  

     I still wasn't sure if I should be calling her Mrs. Ryans or Karen.

     "Trust me, Karen is better than Mrs. Ryans," Andy said, and to my dismay I realized I had said my previous thoughts out loud. "You should've seen her reaction when I called her Mrs. Ryans after moving back into town, it--OWW. JESUS WOMAN!" he cried, recoiling from the vicious blow she had landed with a discarded wooden spoon that had been laying around.

     "Now I will not have Tori here scared off because you thought some hyperboles about your mother were entertaining stories!" Karen stated, exasperated. 

     "Excuse me, mother, but Tori here might not even be a good cook, and I'm your son, not Andy..." Mick started, cocking his head to the side in confusion.

     "Now now, Tori here is most likely an amazing baker! Open up that sheet dearie and whip us up some cupcakes and we'll see how you do. While you're at it I'll look over your applications again, though I'm positive you fill all the required skills to get the job. I quite like you, Tori. 'Like' goes a long way in this shop, it surely does," Karen spoke, a motherly smile gracing her withering face before she turned on her heel, expertly grabbing Mick's ear in the process. 

     "OW OW MOM, MOM!" Mick squealed, his voice escalating into what sounded like a teenage girls. "MOTHER, THAT HURTS!"

     "Come along, Andy! I still have one free hand, you know." 

     "I'm right behind you, Karen!"


     "No thanks, I'm quite fond of treating you like the child you find so much amusement in acting like." Mick's train of indignant mutters and hisses of discomfort, along with Andy's quiet chuckles, followed Karen's demanding presence out of the room.

     Left with only the piece of paper containing one of the bakery's recipes, and all the utensils and ingredients required, Tori set to work. 


So I'm going to take a wild guess and say that this chapter is only a page or so long. I've spent what, 4-5 chapters on something I could combine into two? I need to get better at this. I'll most likely combine the past few chapters together and work on making at like 5 paged chapters in the future. 

I'm not sure what direction I want this story to go in. I have the original plan still in my mind, but I'm not sure if I want this story to be about vampires. Maybe I just need to throw in some plot twists. Comment/message me if you have any ideas? Thanks! 

xoxo ~Lee

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2012 ⏰

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