--Chapter 1--

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I am startled out of my sleep and awaken to the sound of forceful banging. I turn to the clock and read the time '4:01 am'. Waiting for the racket to stop, I lie there, remembering the wonderful feeling of freedom.

I snap out of my daze as I realise, the noise hasn't stopped.

I reluctantly roll out of bed and stagger to the door, Who could possibly cause such a disturbance at this early hour? Before I reach the door, it swings open and a harsh figure towers over me, with a stern look on his face.

My heart sinks, What have I done?!

His hand grabs my wrist, so tight it feels as though it will snap. But I don't try to resist. I am dragged down the stairs and into the living room, before being lined up alongside the rest of my family. I look down, refusing to meet the eyes of my disappointed parents, we are all to be punished for what I have done.

"That's all of 'em Adam, let's head off"

Adam turns and shoves my little brother James against the wall.

"Don't you dare try anything stupid, kid"

My mother screams at the top of her lungs and tries to push away from her captor, desperately reaching for James, But there's no point. They are like solid rocks, never going to budge.

One by one, we are all lead out of the house and into the street. By this point our entire neighborhood has heard the commotion and as the sticky noses they are, came to investigate. It makes me sick seeing all those faces lining the streets, adults and children, all in their pajamas, staring. All I can hear is the whispering of those around us, discussing their theories on the methods of torture we will be put through.

Nothing ever happens out of the ordinary in this town. Everyone follows the rules given to us by the government.

We all live in the same small 4 room houses. Made of red brick and plain white doors.

The same red roses growing out the front of each house.

Each family is to have 3 children, if another is born, it must be donated to another family who needs an extra.

All of the girls, old to young have to wear a plain white blouse with a red tunic on top.

The males are to wear plain white business shirts with a red tie and plain black pants.

Everyone starts school on their 4th birthday and every year moves up until the age of 17.

After school you must go to the sector (a large courtyard surrounded by massive gates blocking out unwanted visitors). In the sector you have to go through a series of tests to determine your future occupation for example a baker or doctor.

Then you are forced to work everyday until you reach the age of 60, when you are taken to The Confinement Centre. Those who go in, never return. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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