Shooting the Breeze

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(Anne's Point of View)

"W-e-l-l (I dragged out) we better start talking." I stated

"I guess your right 1 sec. I'll be right back" He said very mysteriously

Before I could say anything he had already vanished 

"Here." he said while handing me a Mountain Dew "My favorite thank you!! 

"Your welcome." he said with a cheeky grin on his face while popping open his can of soda

"S-o-o-o what are we suppose to talk about?" He asked while dragging out the So like I had done not to long ago

"Um, how about we start with stuff like stuff like that?"I said not sure what to say cause I'm so awkward

(Casper's Point of View)

"Sure." I said then sipping on my soda

"Well then lady's first." I said with a fairly serious look on my face

"Oh, how sweet of you." she said sarcastically 

"Oh why thank you."I said  sending the sarcasm right back 

"So what do you want to know about me?" she asks 

"Well what's your background?" I ask hoping I don't sound to eager or creepy

"This story is gonna take awhile." she remarks with a laugh

"Well it just so happens I've got time." I said

"Well I did Pageant's when I was younger,I did cheer-leading for a few years,I did gymnastics,I was/am a Figure Skater,I'm a Dancer,I love taking Pictures of People Places anything really,I like to draw and I love Cars ,I like to Sing,I like to play the Piano,I like to Play Video-Games,I like watching things like Doctor Who,Sherlock,Downton Abbey,F.r.i.e.n.d.s,I like History,I want to learn to speak French someday,I like to make Jewelry-"

"WOW you weren't kidding when you said it was along story!" I remarked

"You thought it was long I'm not done yet, but I'm tired of talking so tell me about yourself." she said

"No I wanna know more about you."I said fascinated by the girl infront of me

"Fine but then it's your turn." I nod

"Well my eyes are suppose to be blue but always seem to be grey and I don't like it they look dull and lifeless-

"I disagree I think your eyes are beautiful and full of mystery and secrets." I cut her off then blushing at my words

"Y-you mean that?" She asked voice quiet and very insecure

"Every last word." I assure her. Oh how much I want to comfort her and help not to feel so insecure.

An Autumn Love (Book one of Love through the seasons)Where stories live. Discover now