Pool Party part 2

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So Grace and myself are on our way to get Anne for Mary's annual Pool Party that she does everyyear at the end of August. Surprisingly it's really nice day for a party, I'm just trying not to be self conscious about my body, yes, I am a guy yes, I am a little self conscious about my body. I mean I'm going to a pool party which means a ton of other shirtless guys that are a lot more fit then I am, and what if Anne is more impressed by one of them or something plus she's gonna see me shirtless!! Somehow in my massive train of thought we got to her house when I park in the drive way Grace reaches across and honks the horn I give her a look that says why did you do that for and she just shrugs then I hear a door slam I whip my head around and see Anne in a beautiful sundress hair down and free WOW!!! Then I feel a smack to my right bicep I flinch "Why did you hit me?" "It is rude to stare at a lady." Grace scolded "I was not!" I retort "Where too!" She starts it "We are not starting this we aren't children and she's coming so knock it off." Grace just rolls her eyes at me

"Whatever." She looked as if she was holding back a harsh insult  Anne got in my car and my palms started sweating, butterflies erupted in my stomach I want to tell her how gorgeous she looks I open my mouth but the fear of rejection,looking stupid and more. "Anne are you excited for the party?" Grace asked "Y-yeah, I guess." Anne didn't sound very sure "Oh come on it won't be that bad!" Grace tried to get her a little excited Anne opened her mouth but then closed it as if embarrassed of what she almost said I don't want to make her uncomfortable so I don't ask and neither does Grace so I just try and focus on driving.

I pulled up to Mary's house here goes nothing. "Hey,guys I'm glad you could come." Mary greeted hugging Anne and Grace I just smile no matter how uncomfortable I am. And that's how the party went nothing bad happened . So now I'm driving home since Anne is staying the night. Those two are both in the back seat talking about who knows what but it's not my business so whatever we got to the house and they moved like bolts of lightning it was kinda funny actually. I went in the house kicked my shoes off "How was the party, Casper?" Mom asked  "Oh good." I said quickly and bolted to my room

As I wall down the stairs to my room I hear giggling so I walk quietly so I can ease drop its Grace and Anne now I'm even more curious "Face it you are head over heals in love with- but Grace was cut off before she said who "Bliss shut up you loud mouth I've already come to terms with it and the fact that he doesn't know I exist and if he does he will never love me." Anne said so sadly but whoever this boy his that is lucky enough to have her heart is a fool! He is so lucky to have a girl as gorgeous,smart,caring and amazing as Anne is nothing but a total idiot.

"Anne I'm so sorry,but you can't give up yeah he is so stupid I would know I've known him my whole life but that's not the point, the point is you have found the one that God has created for you and don't let his stupidity and your fear of rejection stop you and if he hurts Myah and I will personally make him feel the hurt he caused you." My sister is good at this "Enough about feelings I'm hungry come let's get food." I chuckle at Anne but then I freak they're coming and if I don't move they'll know I've heard everything so I try and make it look like I am just now coming down the stairs and it worked. "Oh hi Anne."  She smiles at me and goes past me I go to my room and I grab my journal and write down my vow to win Anne's heart, love,affection and care. Because I am helplessly head over high-tops in love with Anne.

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