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It was my fault... if I ran faster and not stood there like a complete idiot then.., maybe Erza wouldn't need to take the hit on her head? If I had been powerful enough, I wouldn't drag Gray down as he shielded me from a blow... if I had... if I had not been so stupid then I could stopped us from even going on that mission which sounded so dangerous! And natsu will be healthily eating lots of food after the mission! All because of me... I made them suffered so much, so I went off to train. Yes train! And now after 3 months of hard work, I'm ready to show the new me to my beloved friends!

There is no end to it if I had to tell you all about the guilt and blames I felt. That moment when I returned with my team heavily injured but me who escaped with minor cuts and bruises, that moment when everyone else uses the judging and questioning eyes asking 'why are you looking so healthy compare to them?' It hurts.... I wanted to explain! But I cannot do so without sounding like I'm trying to cover for myself... since it was all my fault to begin with. I left them 3 months ago while they were still unconscious... I need to apologise for leaving them like that. And hopefully, I won't be a drag for them any longer...

I smiled as I pull down my hood, arriving at the front door... I could already hear the usual screams and shouts from within. Taking in a breathe, I pushed open the giant frame that outcasted me from the guild. No one seems to realise that someone appeared? I chuckle as I scan through the guild, looking for certain salmon headed idiot fighting with the black headed stripper. Not seeing them anywhere, I decided to walk into the guild to ask Mira. As I approach the bar, some of the guild mates started to notice me, smiling at them, I tried saying "hi-"

D-did they just ignored me? I stood frozen as Droy and Jet walked past me chatting like I wasn't there.... What? Feeling awkward, I turned around to say hi to Mira in which she didn't respond. After a couple more attempt with no result, I turned around in frustration and walked toward the table. I swear I heard Mira heaved a sigh?

"Levy! Why is everyone ignoring me?" I screamed in frustration as I demand an answer but she only looked up looking quite..cold.

"Ah... it's Lucy. You are finally back. What do you want?" Is this the levy I know? Am I dreaming?

"I-I..." what is happening? Why are you all acting like you don't know me?

"Natsu? Over at the quest board." With that she turned back to her book without another word. God smacked doesn't even begin to describe how shock I'm feeling.

But that doesn't even compare to my horrendous rush of dread and loss when I saw my best friend Natsu hung one of his arms around a girl I have never seen before as they laugh and walked up to the rest of team natsu... who is she?

I stood staring as they walked toward my direction, laughing. Maybe I am overthinking? She is new so maybe they are trying to be nice to new member? Yes.. that must be it.

"Hey lisanna! Let's go to the job together!" Natsu' voice rang out as he turned toward the girl. She has short white hair that reminds me of Mira. Beautiful figure and face, she even have a sweet voice.

"E-eh? I thought your team is full? Aren't you guys waiting for Lucy?" She sounded so innocent and sweet!

"Well we don't know where she ran off to... plus I needed the money to pay the rents so I need this job. Moreover, it wouldn't kill her to let you to replace her in the team anyway so rest assure!" I listened to gray commented while my eyes widen with his words. I'm that replaceable? Do I not hold much worth in the team?

"Yea Lisanna! Come on!" I can't believe natsu just agreed with gray! My eyes slightly watered and I feel suffocated.

"She probably won't be back anytime soon anyway lisanna... so join us." E-erza? How could you agree to it too? Am I really that unimportant?! I felt my tears slid down my cheeks as I listen...

"R-really? Then alright then!" She smiled as she turned around and bumped into me. Unstable, I fell over on to the floor with a thump! Slowly looking up, I see team natsu standing over lisanna supporting her as she regain her balance. The tear rushes back; I tried to hide it but it was too late.

"Lucy?" Happy unfortunately saw my face and called out... suddenly I felt conscious of the stares team natsu placed onto me. Calming myself, I looked up and smiled.

"Hey happy. I'm back!" In attempt to greet them enthusiastically to cover up the little drama I had, I laugh and smiled at the cat. The little blue cat lit up in joy wanting to say something but then paused and looked hesitantly toward Natsu. Confuse, I follow his gaze toward them as well to find hallow eyes questioning me.

"H-hey guys.." I nervously called out, hoping for a respond. But yet again, there is none.

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