Along the Way

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at times I look back

things I should have done

things I would have done

if only I had known

I would have returned those words of betrayal

those calls of hate

and simply flown out the window

with the night upon my back

the crescent moon barely visible tucked away behind the skylights


I would grow wings

not a dragon’s or a fairy’s

but something of my own desire

of my own complexion

I would be free

but would I?

with memories trapped within me

with the knowledge that the past could have been changed

life is but a prison either way

there comes a time though when things must cease to be

the sun must stop shining

the musician must stop playing

the rain must stop falling

and the poet

the poet’s words must stop flowing

so sadness must end

happiness will soon shine through

maybe a small call of hope will be answered

along the way

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