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" Daeyeon took me out that night, but I wish we had more time." a smirk appeared on her bright red lips as her eyes stared deep into Ji  Minwoo's.

I couldn't help but feel disgusted. I've been watching this interrogation for about 5 minutes. Every word she said, she said in a low and seductive voice which creeped me to the core. Poor Ji Minwoo, he had to interrogate this  slut.

Ji Minwoo  let out a sigh before looking at his file and looked back at Bae Sanha, who kept running her fingers through her thick black hair, her incredibly long mascara  draped eyelashes battered repeatedly  at him. I swear I saw her wink  at him. 

" What time did you go back home?" Ji Minwoo asked, trying his best to keep a straight face when I could see how disgusted he was by her. I couldn't believe that  this was Bae Sanha, Daeyeon's girlfriend. 

She chuckled devilishly .

" Well... I was supposed to go to his place..." she smirked more with one eyebrow raised as she leaned forwards, her chin resting on her hand. Urrrh I still couldn't believe  it.

"Y/N!" I looked to see Hongbin call  me from his desk as he beckoned me towards him.  His voice made a few heads look at me. I didn't mind.

I gladly walked towards him, glad that I didn't have to watch poor Ji Minwoo interrogate a desperate woman.

" Y/N I need your help." Hongbin asked as I sat down on my chair next to his desk.

" Anything" I smiled back at him.

" I decided to interrogate Moonshin while we continue Daeyeon's alibi check. Moonshin is the last one left to interrogate."

It didn't take me long to realize where this conversation was headed.

" You want me to tell Jiyeon?" I asked uncomfortably. 

" Yeah, I do." he replied with the same unsure look.

" I know, It's a lot to ask for. It's just, I know she'll listen to  you."

"I know what you mean. I'll ask her, but don't completely depend on me." I replied with a slight smile. The last thing Jiyeon would want to know is that her husbands a suspect for her brother's death.

The sound of high heels echoed in the agency. The both of us  saw Bae Sanha walk along the corridor towards the lift doors with a smirk. Her gaze running from one male worker to another. It disgusted me so much.

I heard Hongbin laugh. I looked to see Ji Miwoo with the most annoyed look on his face as he grumpily made his way towards us.

"I do interrogations once every blue moon, and I get the most impossible people!" He complained as he slapped the file in his arms on Hongbin's desk. I couldn't help but laugh along with Hongbin.

" Oh shut up you two." he grumbled, eyeing the both of us.

Hongbin went through the file on the desk, I peeped into it. It contained all the information about all the people we had interrogated so far.

" Info?" Hongbin asked as he looked up at Ji Minwoo.

" Apart from the fact that Daeyeon  has a horrible taste in girls, that guys innocent no doubt. Bae Sanha  told me that he left her in a hurry at around 7.05pm that night. That was when the hospital called. Apparently she was ' heartbroken'." Ji Minwoo rolled his eyes.

"Seems like he's telling the truth about his date then." Hongbin went towards his whiteboard. He started to jot down the time Giyeol drove Daeyeon to the restaurant and the time he received the call from the hospital in a red marker  over the black timeline. It overlapped.

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