A New Life

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You had no idea who or where you were. You awoke feeling your back being pressed against a cold stone wall. Underneath you was a concrete ground. You moved your left arm then winced in pain. Memories came back. But they were only of how you got here. You were walking around then some people started to beat you up. They threw you in the alleyway and left you there. The sun shone brightly. Cars were driving by and you heard the slight sound of...


You slowly stand up bracing yourself against the wall. Even though you were limping slightly. The building you were next to was a large theater. Not paying attention to what the signs said you walked in. You coughed once. The music was coming from the auditorium. An old lady walked out and glanced at you.

"Oh I'm sorry the theaters closed."

Then she fully looked at you.

"Oh my goodness are you okay?!"

"I-I need h-help..." you croaked.

She quickly rushed to the auditorium and swung open the doors.

"Mr. Moon! Come quick!" she yelled.

You were starting to get dizzy. Soon eight people entered the room.

"Eddie go get a blanket or something." said a man in the center.

As you were getting dizzier you started to wobble and your vision blurred. Then you started to fall. A boy (about 17) caught and carried you bride style into the auditorium. He lay you on a couch as another person placed a blanket on you. Your vision soon returned and you sat up. The man from before stood in front of you with multiple other people behind him.

"Thank you." You said looking at them.

"No problem kid. I'm Buster Moon, and you are?" asked the man in the front.

"(Y/N)." You stuttered. "I think."

"Okay is there anyway we could help you? Like call your parents?" Buster asked kindly.

"I-I don't know who my parents are. I don't remember anything from before today."

"I see..."

"Well," said a woman in a button up shirt and jeans "We should at least start with introductions. I'm Rosita, that's Mike, Gunter, Ash, Eddie, Ms. Crawly, Meena and Johnny." she said gesturing to each person.

"Thanks. But if you don't mind me asking, where am I?" you asked Mr. Moon.

"Well you are at the Moon Theater (Y/N)!" said Mr. Moon smiling.

"Uh Buster times up for rehearsal." said Eddie checking his watch.

"Oh. Well everybody go home and come back tomorrow." said Mr. Moon to the others.

"But what about me?" you said softly.

"Oh... well... uh..." Said Mr. Moon thinking.

"I could take her Mr. Moon." said Johnny.

"Well thank you Johnny. Is that okay with you (Y/N)?"

You smiled and nodded. These people were kind and you knew you could trust them.

Word count: 470 

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