First Love

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Yoongi smiled at Hobi. They were going somewhere.

Neither of them knew actually.

They were just going someplace. A place where they'd be able to look at each other. Without the smell of smoke, and asphalt.

But the smell of fresh plants.

Hobi led the clueless boy to a special spot.

They walked up a set of stairs, inside an unknown building. It revealed an open roof top. There was a bench in the middle towards the edge. Overlooking the city, plants surrounded them. Succulents of all kinds, fruit trees omitting a sweet smell, and clolorful flowers. Much more beautiful than the ones you find at a store.

Yoongi's mouths a 'wow' as hobi pulls him to the seat. They both sit, in the comfort of silence. The distant cars honking in traffic, and the sound of a slight wind surrounding both of them.

It was peaceful.

One could've never felt a relaxed mind, inside a coffee shop. All lost, and alone in his own thoughts.

Yoongi looked around, in awe at all the untrimmed and overgrown plants. Until he spotted something dark in between some trees -and to what seemed like- untamed smeraldo bushes.

He squinted, trying his hardest to make out what was there.

Hobi caught notice of yoongi staring intently towards the cluster of plants. He smiles as Yoongi gets up and walked towards the unknown figure.

He brushed off dead leaves, and stared at the piano upon him.

It was black, with small plants coming out of the keys. Rust, visible in the metal edges of the instrument. He stared at it, with the temptation to press a key consuming him.

He lifted a single finger, hesitating to disturb the beautiful abandoned object. Yoongi slowly pressed down on the beige colored keys, as a single note of sound came out.

It still works.

He looked under the piano to find the petals and found a chair.

"How long has this been here?" he asked Hobi.

"Longer than these trees." he stated. Looking around at the adult trees.

Yoongi pulls out the ripped destroyed chair, and begins playing his latest note.

(A/N please play song now :3)

Hobi watches in amazement as the lonely boy pours his soul into the small piece of music. He stared at the pained face of the young man before him. He was very conflicted. Evidence of lack of sleep, food, emotion, and loneliness was all Hobi could see. After the short piece, Yoongi looked back at Hobi and gave him a small smile.

His eyes slightly covered by his black hair look triangular. Much like a panda. Hobi just wanted to hold him. Though such actions wouldn't be accepted. He's grown to like his company, even if it's been a day.

Hobi approached a staring Yoongi and sat next to him. "I come here when I need to think or relax." hobi simply stated. Looking at the piano. He never knew it would ever make a sound.

A gush of wind brought chills to their skin, as raindrops started falling. The sky turning darker than before; black clouds swept across the city.

"With every gust of wind, the butterfly changes its place on the willow." Yoongi softly said, and they both began walking to the bench. Letting the rain hit their heads as they sat down.

Yoongi deeply inhaled and looked up to the sky, closing his eyes. The cold droplets slid down his round cheeks, with his plump lips parted.

The taste of rain, the most purest of water he would ever taste lingered on his tongue. Hobi sat next to him and closed his eyes. With a small smile playing on his face.

The sound of rain and traffic was one both of them won't forget. Not only experiencing a moment like this, they actually didn't feel lonely. Not once.

The night began to fall with every droplet of water. Both falling hard; they walked away, escaping the beginning flood on the roof. Lights began to turn on, as neon signs stood out beyond the sea of ads and traffic.

The day they first met, is one they won't forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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