Hug of love

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Hug of Love
By: Millie Duarte

I knew a girl,
who liked to save others,
not like a superhero,
but more like a mother.
No one knew why exactly.
A secret that laid behind her.
day after day helping them stop,
giving them a hug of love.

Only she knew why she acted.
Her secret not so clear,
but to my appear she saved others,
because she needed saving too.

As the hugs she gave,
she needed one too.
For she had decided,
"Life is too cruel."

Two years had passed.
Still a mystery of why she acted.
Not telling no one of her actions.
she never spoke up,
because of fear,
but time was running out,
it was clear,

At last she decided,
"It's time to leave,"
she opened a bottle
that read "Pain Relieve"
and thought to herself,
"Must drink many to do the affect,"
poured them into her hand
and in an instant gone to Neverland.

Now all had wondered why?
Why take that decision?
She was fine.
No problems,
no worries.

Little did they know,
she was hurting inside,
and outside.
All she needed was,
a hug of love.

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