Dream 3: Hell Day

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The day had finally come. The day that human kind dreaded, demons had long awaited and angels had been ready for. The day that the demons escaped Hell's fiery prison and clawed their way to the Surface. The day that Hell broke loose.

It started with dark rolling clouds that blotted out the sun, thunder rumbled and tore at the sky as blue lightning struck and charred the earth.

Then, the earth shook and the ground split open, revealing the red glow of Hell's depths and gnarled, deformed hands that ripped through, tearing their way to the surface. Bloodcurdling shrieks and screams emanated from the dark chasms and the furious beating of leathery wings filled the sky.

I flew nearby the terrifying phenomena, close to where the chaos was bound to ensue, my large white wings beat softly as they spread behind me in a high arc.

My hand hovered over the hilt of my sword, as I watched the damned creatures rise from the depths. I had been ready for this day. I had trained hard for many years, steeled myself so that I could fight no matter what. I would, with my squadron, face the demons that we angels had to contain, destroy and eliminate.

Our forces had been broken into five sectors, one at east, west, north, south, and the last within the centre, of which was the target of the main wave.

The wave that my squadron were assigned to.

I surveyed the upcoming battlefield, then with head held high, I gazed upon the faces of my squadron. Each were armed to the tip of their wing in silver and gold armour, with a gleaming weapon gripped in their hand. Their faces shone with determination, and some with slight fear.

I faced them, "My fellow warriors," my voice echoed across the heavens. "Today, we have one purpose as guardians of this land. We will face this evil below and send them back to the fiery abyss from whence they came!" A chorus of cheers followed. "Don't be afraid. We will be victorious! We will survive! And most of all," I raised my sword. "We will protect!"

Every soldier raised their swords to the sky, and with a battle cry, stormed into battle. I watched them fly in, eager and determined, before I too followed them onto the battlefield.

For this, for earth we would either succeed, live and protect or die fighting.

* * * * * * * * *

The screams, the cackling laughter pierced my ears and the flames roared as I struck down yet another demon. Covered in sweat and gore, I panted heavily as I pulled out my sword with a sickening squelch. I coughed as the corpse erupted into ashes and a strong smell of ozone burned my nostrils. The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth as my throat itched and burned. Tears of anguish trailed my cheeks when my eyes roamed the battlefield.

So many had fallen.

Soulless eyes gazed into nothingness, their bodies bloodied beyond recognition, their blood stained feathers graced the earth like crimson tears, all from broken wings from the forever fallen.

I stood there, grief-stricken as I believed that every warrior, every fellow soldier was killed. Losing hope, I searched the charred remains and debris, looking for a sign - just one, to know that I wasn't the only one left alive.

Suddenly, a small horde of demons caught my attention. They were slowly clawing at something on the ground. As they drew back, I noticed the fresh blood coating their talons, and the white gleam of a sword . . .

With a hoarse battle cry, I staggered toward the horde, and with a few strokes of the sword slayed the damned creatures.

As I leant down to help, I realised that I was too late. A hiss of pain through gritted teeth came from the soldier, as he clutched onto his bloodied armour, trying to staunch the flow of blood erupting from the ragged hole in his chest. Knowing that death was near, he raised a trembling hand to my face. On his dying breath he whispered, "you are the only on left. Send for others. Go. You must . . . flee." His body fell, lifeless.

Standing up, I noticed the many demons surrounding us, slowly closing in for the kill. With my last remaining strength, I pushed myself up with a jump, propelling myself in the air, as my wings beat franticly to keep myself aloft.

As I went to fly up, I was abruptly halted by a hand to the ankle. I froze, I knew that dark aura emanating behind me, the death and pure evil that hung around them, sending shills down my spine. Feeling the talons dig into my ankle I turned around.

A devil, not a demon clung onto my ankle with a malicious and evil grin. Its four horns were covered in blood, and its leathery wings scored slices and cuts from the angels' swords. Flashing bloodied canines, he spoke in snarling mockery, "The whole surface will know the true extent of our wrath. Watch your saviours flee, for today it will rain blood. We will rise. We will wreak havoc." He let go.

"Run, fly," he reached up and with one twist, broke my wing. I screamed in excruciating pain, as I attempted to keep myself aloft. "You don't have much longer left. Fly while you still can because once we find you." Maniacal laughter escaped him as he uttered his final threat, and my vision darkened as I began to lose consciousness.

"We will feast upon your flesh!"

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