Chapter One

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"Hey Keith, check out this funny looking thing." Lance said, his face close to a plant with large leaves. Normally Keith would tell him to stop screwing around but they had stopped at the planet for a rather rare break from fighting battles and responding to distress signals. The five of them were overjoyed when Allura told them that the planet had a similar atmosphere to earth, and it was completely safe to go without their armor on or anything. So, Keith gave in and walked over, leaning down to look as well. "Looks like a weird butterfly, huh?" He said. It did in fact look like a weird butterfly. It's wings were much larger than one though, with a kaleidoscope of colors and patterns on them as well. It was almost mesmerizing. Naturally, Keith decided he had to touch it. He was surprised it didn't fly off as soon as his hand got near it. In fact, it seemed eager to crawl up on to his finger.

"Do you think Allura would let us bring this back on to the ship?" He asked, pulling it close to his face so he could get a better look.

"Probably not. I don't think we need insects flying around the place." Lance shrugged.

"I kinda like it though." Keith raised his other hand to gently touch it's tiny head but yanked his hand away when he felt a sharp pinch on his finger. He quickly yanked his hand back, a scowl on his face now.

"What's wrong?" Lance asked.

"It bit me." He told him, setting the bug back on the plant. "Really hard too." He looked at his finger which was starting to bleed. Around then he could hear Shiro calling for them from nearby, telling them they needed to head back to the ship. Keith gave one more glare at the weird bug before him and Lance headed back to meet up with the others.


Keith didn't think to mention the bug bite to anyone, and for the rest of the day things ran as normal. He sure didn't think there was anything wrong when he went to bed either. No one could've expected anything would happen the next day.


They'd all gathered in the dining room for breakfast, Keith being the only one who hadn't gotten there yet. Usually he woke up earlier than anyone so they were all a bit confused as to why he hadn't shown up yet. Eventually, Shiro was elected to go get him. He went to his room and knocked on the door but he got no response.

"Keith? Are you awake?" He asked, but still got no answer."I'm coming in." He warned him before entering the room. The lights were still off, and Keith was still curled up under a mess of blankets. He approached him quietly, already wondering if he wasn't feeling well or if he'd stayed up way too late the night before. He placed his hand on his shoulder and gently shook him. Keith shifted slightly, yawning and slowly opening his eyes. Immediately, Shiro could tell something was wrong when he saw that Keith's eyes looked... different. They were a pale pink color, and looked almost glassy. He looked up at him tiredly, his eyes still half lidded.

"Shiro...?" He murmured.

"Are you okay?" He asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed and leaning down. "Do you feel sick?" He watched as a big sleepy smile spread across his face. That was all Shiro needed to know something was definitely wrong here.

"I feel just fine." He said, dragging out the "i" in "fine". He lazily reached his hand up, placing it on Shiro's cheek. He had a bright blush across his face and the most loving look in his strangely colored eyes.

"You're very sick." Shiro said immediately. He'd known Keith for years, longer than any of the other paladins had known him. Even as they got closer, Keith had never behaved like this. "Can you get up?" He asked him. Keith nodded slowly and got out of bed. He seemed like he was able to stand on his own two feet fine. Shiro stood up and placed the back of his hand against his forehead. He didn't seem to have a fever, and he seemed to be happy with Shiro just touching him, leaning into the touch with a lovesick smile on his face. "We need to go see Allura, okay?" He told him, and he just nodded, starting to follow him out of the room. At some point Keith decided it was necessary to hug his arm as they walked, which was how they entered the dining room.

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