Part 2

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"Dang. Oh well." Jack said, opening the door and pulling you up and out with him. He wrapped an arm around your waist and held you close.

He walked you to the door and you waited for three people to get done taking pictures.

As you both waited in line, Jack kept his arm around your waist, and was kissing your hair a lot.

"Why do you keep doing that?" you whispered in his ear.

"Because. I have to." He answered simply.

You cocked an eyebrow at him and he laughed.

It was finally your turn, and to be honest, it was a really cute picture. You were allowed two pictures.

Since you both were the same height, he didn't have to bend to kiss your cheek. That was the first picture.

In the second picture, he lifted you up so his arms were under your knees and he kissed you on the lips. You were screaming with joy on the inside.

When that was done, you met up with your friends Rosemary (Rose for short) and Jewel. All three of you went out on the dancefloor while Jack caught up with Rose and Jewel's dates to prom.

You wanted him to come dance, so you did the whole throwing-the-rope-come-here dance. He saw you and started laughing, but played along. Soon enough, he came and then a slow dance started playing. It was These are The Moments by Edwin McCain.

He put his hands on your hips and you put your hands around his neck and snuggled into the crook of his neck.

"This is nice," he said, his breath against your ear. You both swayed to the music.

"So far the best dance ever." He laughed and agreed.

It's funny because this song describes your relationship perfectly.

You guys danced and danced and danced until your feet hurt.

Then Jack took you to a field where there was blankets set up.

You squealed. "Did you do this?"

He nodded. "Yup. Perfect ending to the perfect day."

He layed down on the blanket and patted the spot next to him. You joined him and layed on your backs, gazing at the stars.

"Nice view," Jack said, looking at you.

You blushed. "You're so cheezy."

You turned back to the stars, then looked at Jack. He placed his hand on your chin and kissed you with everything he had. You kissed back with the same amount of force. You both broke apart, breathing hard. For the rest of the night, you both gazed at the stars. Before you knew it, it was 12:00.

"Crap. My mom's going to be so mad that I'm past curfew." You said.

"Well then let's get you home." He responded.

You were in the limo kissing and talking.

"If I get yelled at, it was totally worth it." He said.

Yup. Totally worth it. you thought.

Jack Gilinsky ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now