Father Figure

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"Okay, come on Kara, you can do this." The blonde woman said to herself as she walked through the halls of the DEO. J'onn was back and Kara had to tell him before anyone else figured this out. She had already told Eliza, who was thrilled for Kara to be a parent and even more excited to be a grandmother. ("I'd thought I never had grandchildren!" "Well geeze, THANKS mom!" "Your welcome, Kara.")

Kara took a deep breathe as she turned the corner and saw him standing at a monitor. "Okay, here we go." Kara then counted in her head...three...two...one. She ran speedily and picked him up and hugged him. "Welcome home!"

"Nice to see you too," J'onn laughed. "Alright, you can put me down now." He said when he realized that she hadn't put him down yet. "Kay?" (J'onn's relationship with Kara was so close, that he called her 'Kay' as a nickname. Nobody knew it though, as they thought it was 'K' as in OK).

"You have to promise to not freak out. Promise?" Kara pleaded.

"How bad is it?"

"It's not bad. It's actually good. But promise?"


"Please promise me."

"I promise to not freak out." He said, holding up a salute signal. "Military honor."

"Okay." Kara said.

Kara placed him down gently and got ready to let him see her.

J'onn turned around and saw her face first. He missed her face, he missed seeing his beautiful girl's face with her bright blue eyes and her wavy blonde hair. Nobody could ever, ever replace his own daughters, but Kara and Alex with his daughters. J'onn noticed that Kara's face was brighter than usual-like some sort of glow to it. She can glow?

"I don't understand. What's-" He began to ask, then found himself looking at her torso and noticed that it was grown. "You can't gain weight."

"Well, there's a little exception to that," Kara smiled. "I'm pregnant!" She grinned.

J'onn smiled. "No, your joking, right?"

"No, I am. Flash and I are having a little one soon."

J'onn's eyes grew wild. "WHAT!?" He yelled. "WHO IMPREGANATED MY CHILD?"

"Uh...Flash and I are having a baby?" Kara repeated herself. "Aren't you happy?"

"Yes...I'm just...surprised." He said. "Are you okay though? I mean, nothing medically horrible has happened, right?"

"No. I've been fine actually." Kara told him. "Healthy as a horse. I had a doctors appointment a few days ago," Kara said. "Flash missed it, but I gave him the date of the next one and he's going to try and make it to that one."

"Am I the first to know?" J'onn asked.

"I've told everyone else. You're the last since, well, you just got back."


"A certain friend of my cousin's opened his big mouth and told her." Kara smirked. J'onn looked at her confused. "Her sister Lois."

"Funny." J'onn said. "I'm sure Jeremiah would be proud. And your own parents."

"Yeah," Kara said with some sadness in her voice. "I just wish they could see baby. I mean, their souls are in Rao so I'm sure they can see everything. But I wish they were here."

"They're here." J'onn said after a few moments. Kara looked at him oddly. J'onn put his hand over Kara's heart. "They're here."

"Martian," A woman said. Kara and J'onn turned and found Rebecca starting at the two of them. "Alien girl."

"You must be Rebecca Doyle," J'onn said. "I heard you were in charge while Lane and I were out on missions?"

"Yes. Welcome back Martian." She said, a stern look on her face. "Alien girl," She faced Kara. "How's the mutant?"

Before Kara could say a word, J'onn stepped in. "Baby."

"A mutant."

"It's a child, not a mutant."

"She's an alien. The father is, assuming, human." Rebecca said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Mutant."

"You will address this child as either a child or baby." J'onn said. "Not a mutant."

"Fine." Rebecca said. "A fetus. Better?"

J'onn held back a sign. "Fetus is acceptable. Now, I hear we have new threats?"

"Alien girl didn't say a thing yet?"

"I was just about to." Kara said. "There are two new villains within the past month. Frezna and Valcana."

"Do you know either of them or their kind?" J'onn asked her.

"No, but I believe Valcana could be an alien. When I fought Frezna she had said she wanted to demolish the humans." Kara explained. "Frezna contains ice powers and Valcana contained fire powers. They're both greatly strong and we don't know their exact motives are. They've just been destructing forests and other environmental places."

"Frezna caused an atmosphere destruction above LA," Rebecca told him. "The usual atmosphere is higher in heat, but she destructed it so that it's greatly cold and getting colder. Valcana has set fire to forests."

"We'll need to figure out a trap and send them out on it." J'onn said. "Once we have the trap set than we can call in for help."

"I've got it." Kara said. "I've fought both of them each before. I'm sure I can do it again."

"I don't want you getting yourself hurt, K."

"K? As in okay?" Rebecca asked.


"Odd. Then again, you are both aliens." Rebecca said. Someone called for her and she walked away from Kara and J'onn.

"I'll be fine. I had someone where check me out and my body is capable to fight and keep baby safe." Kara told him. "I can do this. I swear."

"I can't lose you." He said softly, his eyes a bit soft and concerned. "I can't lose another daughter."

Kara smiled sweetly and reassuringly. "I'm fine. I'll be okay."

A red mark flew past them for a brief second and back later. "Hey," Barry greeted them. He held up a bag with a bagel inside. "Chocolate chip with strawberry cream cheese." He smiled at her. He saw that J'onn was back. "Hey! Welcome home!" He took his mask off and hugged J'onn. J'onn hugged him back.

"Thank you." Kara smiled and kissed Barry on the cheek. "I'm gonna find Alex."

J'onn and Barry spoke for a few minutes with J'onn talking about his mission. Once he was absolutely sure that Kara was out of hearing sight, J'onn took Barry to another area of the DEO to "show him something."

"What's up?" Barry asked. J'onn held up Barry and pinned him against the wall. "Whoa, what's going on here?"

"Remember when I said to not hurt her?" J'onn asked.

"Uh...yeah?" Barry replied. "I didn't hurt her...whoa hey, is this about the baby?"

"I said if you hurt her, I will end you. If you breakup with her, I will kill you. If you breakup with her and say you want nothing to do with that baby," He held his grip tighter on Barry. "I will kill you and send you so far into this universe that not even the other galaxies will be able to see you because you will past by them." He pulled Barry to him, face-to-face. "Understand?"

"Yes sir." Barry promised. "I made a similar promise to her cousin about a week ago. He somehow found a way to get to my universe and made me promise the same thing. Except he said he'd split me apart into little, micro sized bacteria and send me off. But only if he can catch me. "

"That's a good plan." J'onn said and released the boy and smiled. "Congrats though," And harshly slapped him across the back.

"Thanks." Barry said.

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