Ready for the New Beginning

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No more than fifteen minutes until one thirty, Kara and Barry were on their way to Kara's apartment. They were still anxious as hell about this whole parenting thing, let alone they had twins (double the responsibility) but both were confident about raising a family. Alex and Eliza were outside waiting by Eliza's car for the four.

Barry sat in one of the chairs with each twin in a carrier settled in front of him. He looked at them and found himself grinning and chuckling at their own amusement to their surroundings. "Get used to it girls," He reached down and tickled their feet. "This is a fast world. Mine is just as fast too."

"Are you telling them a fast pun again?" Kara asked as she walked up to the trio, a smile on her face.

"Why not? It was funny." The brunet said as he picked up one of the carriers in his hands just as Kara picked up the other carrier. "I can't wait until they're old enough and we can actually tell them about the multiverse. It'll be a lot easier after that is explained."

"That I can agree with." Kara kissed his cheek. "Ready Daddy?"

"Ready Mommy." Barry chuckled.

The duo wrapped their arms around one another and made their way out of the hospital doors. Ready for the new beginning of the rest of their lives.

                           "THE END!"
                                           BY: YOUR RIVAL 747

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