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Hey guys! Hear is you update. I'm this one, Will and Nico are together. And just to let yall know, I'm working on one where nico is a neko! I hope yall enjoy this!

Will's P.O.V.

"Will? Can you come here a second?" My half-sister Kayla asked, poking her head through the door. I walked out of Nico's room with her, to a computer. She showed me the screen that had Nico's sleep monitor.
"Look. Nico slept 3 hours last night, but he never left stage 1. He should have gone from stage 1, to 3, to 4, then back to 3, then REM. Instead, he just stayed in stage 1 the entire time. It's almost like his body is afraid to go into a deep sleep. Like its afraid to dream."
Nico had been in the infirmary for the past week. For some reason, his sleep schedule has been acting up.
"I'm starting to wonder if he's somehow doing it one purpose." She muttered.
"Why would he"?
"Well, has he told you about any of his recant dreams?"
"Um..." I tried to remember. "The last time he told me about his dreams was about 2 weeks ago." I could almost see her mind working.
"What did he say it was about?"
"Tarterous" (a.n. Spelling? XD) she paled as soon as I said it.
"Ok I think I know what's going on." She said, and she didn't look to happy about it.

Nico's P.O.V.

I woke up to the feeling of someone sitting on the edge of my bed. I groaned.
"Ugh! Five more minutes!" I heard Will's beautiful laugh.
"Sorry death boy!" I blushed at the nick-name. Then he got a serious look on his face.
"I need to talk to you about something"
Oh no. I thought.

Ok so I've decided to make this one into two parts because it's kinda long and I can't write it in one night. Also I know yall have been wanting an update and I'm so sorry but I have been busy with school work and other pointless things😩. Anyway I hope you enjoyed part one!


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