In Mumbai

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It was a usual morning for the Mumbaikars. The busy roads and steets filled with people hurrying to their destinations. The metro running a peaceful journey despite the hurry burry beneath. The roadside stalls serving their mouth watering delicacies. In short, the city of Mumbai was in its full swing when the Mumbai Express came to a halt at the Chattrapati Shivaji Terminal. The people getting down from the train added to the crowded platform.

'I should've heard them' She murmered while struggling to walk through the crowd. Her parents had tried convincing her a thousand times that they can accompany her to Mumbai. But she turned deaf ears to all their words and stood firm with on her decision to travel alone to the big city and be 'independent'. Thinking about them however brought to her the memories of her home and a sudden realisation dawned upon her that it would be a tough job at hand to stay here as she had already started missing family. But she knew this was necessary, for she was here to conquer her dream.

By the time she came out of her thoughts, she had reached the entrance of the terminal. Boarding a taxi, she recited the address of her place of stay to the driver. As the car passed through the roads of the city, she was experiencing a new feel, a feel that had been always unknown to her. Though she couldn't point out what exactly it was, she was sure that no matter what she would make the best out of her in this city. She found the streets more messier than her place in Kerala and she could see it was much more a busy place than her motherland. But something was making her fall for this city. There was this whole different charm to this place that was making her feel a kind of elation at her choice of place.

The taxi stopped in front of a huge apartment building. Getting her luggage out and sending off the driver, she walked towards the reception desk of the apartment. On receiving the key from the receptionist, she walked towards her flat. Her dad had purchased it for her and it was designed according to her likes. She had not yet seen it but was sure it would be the best.

'12B' The metal plate on the door read. She opened the door and was about to step in when the door to her nearby flat opened and a lady came out with a little boy who looked almost 4year old hurriedly. She walked past her but suddenly stopped and looked back.

"Are you the new resident here? " She heard the lady ask. "Where are you from?" The lady asked without giving her a chance to respond.

"Yeah, I'm occupying the flat. And I'm from Kerala... "

"Arey, wow. Even I'm from Kerala. Glad I have a neighbor from my place. Most people here are North Indians. There were only three people from Kerala here. And now you too"

"Oh, that's great. Even I'm glad that i can speak my mother tongue here"

"Yeah we can. Oh by the way I'm Lakshmi and this is my son Adharv."

"Hi Adharv" She saw the child smile as she pulled his cheek. "I'm Sreedevi, Sreedevi Vishwanathan"

"Amma, bus...!!" Sreedevi heard the child scream pointing at the apartment gate.

"Oh No, it's his school bus. Will meet you in the evening after I get back from work. Take care" Lakshmi said hurriedly while she was walking towards the elevator.

Sreedevi smiled at the warm welcome she received and then walked into her flat.

Placing her bags near the bed, she dropped herself onto the queen-size bed in her room. She sat cross legged and looked around at the interiors. As much as she wanted to take a look at the entire 2bhk flat, her legs were too tired from all the journey. And without a second thought, she let her body hit the bed.

It was by 1:30 that she woke up. Rubbing her eyes to push away the pending sleep, Sreedevi walked to the kitchen. Rats seemed to be on a marathon in her stomach. Opening the cupboard, her eyes grew wide seeing all the kitchen stuff inside. From utensils and cutlery , vegetables and fruits to the packeted ready to cook items and the variety of sauces, it was all in the kitchen. She unknowingly mumbled 'I love you dad' as she bent down to grab a packet of Maggie. That is when she remembered that she had not made a call to home ever since she reached Mumbai. Cursing her memory, she ran into the bedroom and grabbed her cell from her bag. Quickly dialing her mom's number she waited for the call to be accepted.

"How long has it been since you last called, Devu?" She heard her mom's voice after exactly 6hours. "We were so worried! Couldn't you call once??"

"Amma, my phone was in my bag and just as I got to the room, I slept. I just woke up now"

"You heard it? I told you nothing would've happened. Devu, how was the journey dear? All fine??" Sreedevi heard her dad's voice through the call. The call was probably put on the speaker. She could hear her mom mumbling; must be something about dad supporting me. She smiled thinking about her family. She talked to all of them. It was her eldest cousin sisters marriage two days ago and all her family members were there. Her parents, grandparents, cousins, uncles and aunts... her eyes went wet as she heard their voices. She could feel their broken voices too. Telling them that she would come on a video call in the evening, she dropped the call before she starts crying.

Plugging in her phone on the charger, she walked back to the kitchen to continue with her Maggie. The calling bell stopped her from tearing the packet open. Opening the door, Sreedevi stood confused seeing two unknown faces at the door. There was an old man and a young lady who looked to be of the same age as Lakshmi.

"Don't panic dear. I'm colonel Jayaraj Varma. I had been in the military since 1975. 30 years of army service! You know, when I was in Dehradun... " He was going on and on when the lady cut him in between.

"Arey, don't scare her now. She has just come here. Don't start off your army tales" Sreedevi could make out she was his daughter. The lady then turned to Sreedevi.

"Hi, I'm Radhika. We are in 11D. Lakshmi had called us a few minutes ago informing us that the new resident arrived and that you are from Kerala. She asked us to bring you lunch too. You didn't have any right? " Radhika asked sweetly and Sreedevi couldn't have been anymore happy.

"No, I didn't. Ah, you guys come in" She invited them inside, smiling brightly.

"No, no darling not now. We'll come when Lakshmi gets back from office. You take rest now" Varma said as he motioned his daughter to pass her the lunch.

"Haan, you must be tired after all the journey. Take good rest. We'll meet in the evening" Radhika smiled at her warmly.

They were about to leave when Varma turned back and looked at Sreedevi.

"If you have any problem or if you need any help, you can call me, okay sweetie? I'm the association's president too. You know, when..." But his daughter cut him in between.

"Papa, come on let her rest. And anyways as of now she doesn't need any help. All she needs is rest. Chalo, let's go. Bye Sreedevi" Radhika waved with her right hand as she pulled her dad with her left hand. Smiling at the lovely banter, Sreedevi closed the door.

The warmth she received from the few people she met had calmed her heart. She was happy now. And furthermore, she was sure this stay would give her a million memories to cherish!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2018 ⏰

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