Chapter 8

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"Max! what do we do?!" Storm asked. "We defeat them!" I said. I did a straight dive down to the ground. When I got there the ground was covered in knocked out Erasers, but they were still coming. "Max!" it took me a minute to find out the voice was coming from behind me. I jumped and was about to punch whoever it was but didn't when I found out who it was. "Fang!" I yelled. "Where were you?" he asked. Should I tell him? I decide to tell him but skip over some of the events. "Ok so...." I told him the whole story while defeating the rest of the Erasers with him. "Let's get going!" I said to the rest of the flock that had showed up. "Come meet some of my new friends!" Was all I could say before a big fur ball attacked me and the world went black.

Sorry this chapter is so short but I will give you chapter 9 soon. Hope you enjoyed the cliff hanger I left you with!


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