Chapter 11: Kidnapped

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I floated down towards the empty park. Venus was swinging pretty fast. She was thinking.

"Good evening." I said.

Her head turned and she tried to stop. But her feet barley hit the ground. I helped her stop and sat next to her.

"How have you been?"

"It's been fine with the bruises. Since I fight alot no one seems to care." She said quietly.

"Oh I don't believe that."

"Just like you didn't believe me when I said I wasn't the villain right?" She hissed.


"Why do you choose her over me. Is it because she's prettier? Is it because she has more money?" Venus muttered.


"It isn't hard to tell who you are, Zach. That mask, at best, is only hiding your eyebrows."

My heart dropped. "Who's that?"

"You knew my locker combination. To put the note in my backpack. Only 1 person knows and that one person told me you asked him."

Dammit Andre.

"Don't tell anyone."

"I'm not a dick. Unlike you."

"Venus I'm sorry......" I pulled off my mask and frowned.

"Sorry doesn't fix my body after you pushed me into a wall."

"Let's talk about something else then."

"Fine." She said sharply.

"Why did you mention Alena?"

"Because....." She mumbled.


"It's hard to see a friend with a witch. She isn't who she said she was."

"I haven't yet seen her bad side."

She started laughing hysterically. "Oh my god!"

"Did I-"

"Why do you love her so fucking much?"

"Venus I-"

"She's mean to you. Shes controlling and you allow her to do everything and anything."

"Venus I'm not-"

"Stop just stop talking. I'm trying.... I've been trying to help you and you want to be naive."

"Venus you-"

"Stop TALKING." She got up and wiped her eyes. Her arms started clentching as she snapped. "I want what's best for you and you dismiss it for a pretty face with money. I've been protecting you guys and you have been such a pain in m-"

I got up and held her arms. She started to cry into my chest. "She's going to take you and kill you." She muttered.

"I know you know what's best for me, but I can make my own choices. I'll be safe."

"What about the rest of us?" She sighed calming down. "Will we be safe?."

"You were right. She was controlling me. This needs to stop."

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