Common room

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In third common room  lot music playing " Dasiy what did our Quitch Captain want " I making captain of chear leader because year 6 and 9 gone down witch pox I feel sorry for May-lou but I got do try out first and second and third chear leader team but don't where to start " " What kind leader is that?" Said Mavis  waiting for awner " Mavis don't be snob you 14 years old and you in year 3 don't want in my team you noughting but big bullied " Mavis put Dasiy to the wall " I use be captain of chear leader of my form Little Haywood but you be sorry and Mavis hit the captain and fall on the floor " Mavis what doing ? Said Snowbell " Just can't go around hit students please go outside common room now" " You can't do at" Snowdrop decide supported follow Snowbell " As I and Snowbell we can ban  Mavis from Common room" So Mavis walk out common room slap the door in hot termpor mood.

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