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Evie wondered the carriage of the train and noticed Agnes gazing at the miniature portrait on her desk where she worked.

"She's pretty."

The lady assassin commented, taking her friend by surprise.

"Oh! I didn't see you there dearie. Aye she is isn't she?"

"Who is she?" The freckled brunette asked.

"That's me niece, Gracie. She's me sister's daughter, but I raised her."

"Why is that?"

"Me sisters line of work is not exactly... child friendly, and she doesn't know who the father is so I offered to take her, lest the poor wee thing end up in an orphanage... Or worse."

"That's very kind of you Agnes."

"Thank ye miss Frye."

"So where is she now?"

Evie's question caused the elder woman's face to fall.

"I don't know... I raised that girl into a polite, proper young lady, put every shilling I had into her education. And as she grew, well, let's just say you're not the only one who noticed her looks."

"What do you mean?"


Evie's brow knotted at the name.

"That bampot would not stop pesterin' her. It got to the point where poor Gracie couldn't take it anymore, so she left."

The Scottish woman's voice cracked as the last words left her mouth, and the elder twin's expression softened.

"I've not seen her in 4 years. I don't know who she's with, or what she's duin. I get the odd letter from her now and then, but all I know is she's in Paris because that's where they come from."

"Have your tried sending her a letter back?"

The elder woman looked taken aback by the younger's question and shook her head.

"I haven't an address to send it."

"Well sure you do."

The assassin said as she approached the desk, her gloved hand reached out and she pointed to a stamp on the envelope.

"Paris. If all the letters are coming from the
same post office, then I'm sure they can give it to her when she goes to deliver the next one. It's at least worth a try."

The work worn woman lit up at her new employers idea.

"Oh Thank you miss Frye, I'll do just that."

"Happy to help."

Agnes grabbed a piece of blank paper and pen and began to scrawl, Evie decided it was best to take her leave at that moment and left the woman to her writing.

* * *

Grace walked the sunny streets of Paris towards her regular post office, letter in hand to send to her beloved aunt. Balloons floated in the sky and coloured bunting hung from lamp post to lamp post, it truly was a Belle Époque. Entering the doors she was greeted by a familiar face.

"Bonjour Irwin, çava?"

"Çava bien mademoiselle Lithgow and you?"

"Very well thank you."

Grace walked up and placed the letter on the counter, suddenly the man looked like he remembered something.

"One moment miss Lithgow I will be right back."

A Dance of Knives and Flowers (Jacob Frye X OC)Where stories live. Discover now