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Hayes' POV

my group had just gone out for a water break so I followed them not taking my eyes off of Rose. She was walking back towards the parking lot until she randomly stopped. A look confusion filled her face probably from being unaware of her surroundings until, suddenly a footballflewright at her nailing her in the head. She collapsed to the ground making an even harder fall to the concrete. I was I shock I couldn't move how could something like this happen to such a beautiful, kind-hearted girl.

Time jump to end of practice

Soon practice ended and I quickly got my stuff together, grabbing the water jug that Biggs asked me to take back to the truck. I left before anyone got the chance. As I was walking I noticed a phone about where Rose fell. Assuming it was hers I picked it up and continued on my way.

Stephen's POV

I was going for a long pass and I don't know how but the ball slid right through my hands. I turned to go run and get the ball from my failed attempt of catching but as I turned I watched it nail a beautiful girl in the head. Almost immediately coach yelled at me I felt so bad.

"I'm so sorry coach." I said as I picked her up.

"just go take her to the trainer or better yet I'll do it you've already done enough." he said causing my heart to sink that made me feel like the worst person known to man kind.

"No coach I will do it, you can kick me off if she is hurt." I pleaded knowing he would've cut me anyways.

"whatever just go now." he said sighing.

I sprinted to the trainer tent carrying her bridal style.

I waited with her and Derek for at least 2 hours until she woke up.

Then I took her home and went over to Hayes' house.

I climbed the tree next to his bedroom window and knocked on the glass.

he came to the window and opened it, "Stephen what the hell are you doing here its like 10:30?!?" Hayes whisper/yelled.

"I just got Rose home she has a minor concussion and Biggs was pissed." I said climbing into his room through the window.

"Thank god she is okay." Hayes whispered under his breath.

"You like her don't you?" I sighed.

"So do you." He said.

"I guess its up to her." I said not allowing myself to make direct eye contact with him.

"Yea lets not let her get in between our friendship, no beef?" Hayes said more as a question.

"no beef." I agreed.

we talked for a little longer until I decided to leave; Instead of driving home I went back to the school and hitched their truck to mine and drove it back to their house. Once I finished with that I drove home and went to sleep even though I would only get like 4 hours of sleep it was better than nothing.

Rose's POV

I woke up to the sound of the super annoying roosters once again. I got up and walked downstairs. Mom was at the stove cooking eggs and Anthony was at the table eating and reading the news, as old people do.

"Honey what are you doing up your not supposed to leave your room!" Mom said worried

"I was hungry." I lied. Really I was checking to see if my phone was down here and with my luck it wasn't. It probably fell out of my pocket when I fell.

"Ok well I'll make you some eggs, can you get me the orange juice from the outside fridge in the garage?" she asked more as a command.

I walked out to the garage. The garage door happened to be open and I saw moms truck. All I could think about is Stephen. I snapped out of my thoughts about how he probably has my phone and quickly grabbed the orange juice speeding inside before mom got worried.

For the next two days I just spent my time searching up Stephen and Hayes on my laptop, which I probably shouldn't of done but too late now, Trying to find stuff about them all I could find through social media is that they are really sporty and apparently Hayes' brother, I think his name is Nash, is vine famous apparently.

Hayes' POV

At school I went straight to Jake who was easily able to be found in the computer lab.

"Jake I need you to get into this phone for me." I commanded handing him the phone.

"No, I'm not your little servant." Jake sassed like a 4 year old upset about not getting ice cream.

"You owe me remember, I can always go talk to the soccer team again." I threatened.

"Fine" he complained, "come back after 4th."he added.

I left and went to class. For the next 5 1/2 hours all I could think about is Rose and what she might have on her phone.

Soon 4th period ended and I went straight to the lab.

"here you go, I took the password off, remember it is 1022 when you put it back on." jack said.

"thanks bro," I said grabbing the phone from him and walking out.

Luckily 5th is lunch and then I can go home.

I spent hours going through her photos which contained mainly of food, her and a man I'm assuming is her dad and then a random guy and a girl. next I went through her texts. She had texted someone labeled tutor a lot but I can tell you he definitely wasn't a tutor, why would she have to hide she was dating someone? was her dad super strict or is there something I should know about.

their texts ended over an argument on something they didn't mention through the texts.

once I was done lunch was about over; I put the password back on the phone and went out the front parking lot. Nash is home for the week and is supposed to be picking me up because my truck broke down.

soon he showed up late as always and I just got some homework done before practice.

Sorry that was kinda a sudden ending but I didn't know what else to do without it being super long. Hope y'all like it.


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