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Rose's POV

Finally I'm allowed to go to school. I don't know if I should be happy or upset; I mean I get to see Hayes and Stephen and find myphone but its a completely new surrounding and i'm coming into the school partially throught the year, making friendsandnot staying behind is going to suck.

I spent all morning arguing with myself on what to wear until finally I decided on a shirt that may or may not belong to my best friend back in seattle, along with a pair of black skinnies.

Once I had figured out what iwas goingto wear I showered, changed, did my hair then applied a little bit of concealer along with some chapstick.

As soon as I was done with wardrobe I grabbed a note-book and a pen, luckily because it is my first day there is no way I would need a backpack. also i didn't need lunch because school ends at 12:30; Then, proceeded downstairsto get breakfast before I had to leave forschhol. Sadly because idont have acar and mom needs hers today I have to honors of driving with Anthony.

Soon we left and because I am smart I avoided talking to anthony at all costs. Igot out of his car immediately after he stopped so nobody would've seen mewith him and cause me to have nofriends.

"Rose!" I heard someone yell, I'm assuming that it was Stephen because Hayes apparently has to come early to drop off one of his friends that asked him if he would and no one else knows me.

I looked around a little bit finally I found where he was so I jogged up to him.

"Hey." He said

"Hey, any chance you have my phone, I had dropped it when I fell and haven't seen it since?" I asked full of hope.

"Nah sorry but I'll ask the team for you I bet ya one of them picked it up."He stated casually as If it was no big deal and really it isn't at least to him but if someone from back home texted me like my ex who thinks I'm still dating him, he's literally a psychopath, one of my back stabbing old friends or even one of my close friends that probably said something like 'hey have you met any fucking hot guys' or 'how many guys have you hooked up with sofar' obviously they would be joking but anyone that finds my phone will think i ma total slut.

we continued to walk and talk as he led me to the office where I would receive my schedule. I skimmed over it then handed it to Stephen to see if we had any classes together.

"looks like your stuck with me for most of the day." he laughed jokingly,

I laughed along to until he finally said, "We should start heading to first", as he handed me my schedule.

I took one last glance at my schedule before tucking it into my pocket to see it was French we had first.

apparently taking a language is mandatory and he really didn't want to take a language. Lucky for me I was able to take French for2yearsin arrow instead of having todo gym.

Once we got there he introduced me to the teacher he called "Madame (Mrs.) Barry" It was weird, for once everyone was staring at me and I don't like it, I was pretty much one of those people in the back of the class in victorious, I think they called them shruggers. Out of all 3 years of junior high and 2 of actual highschool in ever had classes with my friends so my goal was to avoid drawing attention to myself yet holda4.0 gpa, which I did pretty well but right now I have the eyes of at least 35 highschoolers i've never seen in ,my life until now and maybe its because I'm new but I'm going to pretend they are all just looking at the varsitys number 1 wide receiver walk the new girl to class.

"Can you explain why you are late to class?" she asked kind of upset.

'uh-,"he cut me off "you see I had to walk her to the office where we then waited for her schedule and I helped her know where a few of her classes will be on the way to yours, on the way of course." he stated actually sounding very smart but I guess it makes sense to play a sport you have to maintain good grade which he obviously does.

She looked pissed "In french." she then lectured; His eyes dropped,

this time i interupted him " Vous voyez Il a du me promener au bureau pour obtenir mon horaire ou nous attend in moment, puis il m'a montre ou quelques-uns de vous etaient sur le chemin" I said simply.

"Fantastique!" she sad excitedly.

"are you fluent?" she asked people in her class probably just do well enough to pass but dont care to remember anything afterwards

"oui." I said simply.

"good you can have a seat next to Stephen, I would like to talk to you after class." she exclaimed still as excited as ever.

the rest of the class was a blur as you can tell i already speak french as the school would only let me do my gym-French switch if I took fresh and sophomore in fresh and junior and senior at my sophomore. I had a French foreign exchange student come at spring breakoff my freshman year then I went over there that summer and I actually met a cute French guy that I text to this day. we dated while I was there and we are only friends now as the distance got in our way, enough about my love life lets get back to now.

I am staring at the clock watching the seconds of the last couple minutes go by until "BRRRRINNNGGGGG" the extremely loud bell bursts!

everyone quickly shuffled out of the class except me and Stephen.

"I have science next and according to your schedule you have math in 228 so just go up the yellow stairs and take your first left then go straight backhand its right there. see ya." he said leaving quickly.

"you wanted to see me?" I asked

"oui! your French is exquisite I see no need of you taking this class." she said.

"i already finished senior year during my sophomore but the school just put me in any of the open classes." I mentioned

"how about I have you go over to the middle school and teach my class for this period, I will leave out exactly what you need to do, school wise for you I will give you a hundred in the class and recommend you to the schools i know with great foreign language programs and even the French schools I partner with." she offered

"sure I guess." really I didn't want to but there was no way for me to say no, honestly I hate kids especially middle schoolers plus I can name 4 schools off the top of my head that have already given me money and scholarship opportunities on many different occasions for many different things.

we talked for another minute and then she sent me on my way in the direction of the yellow stairs.

the amount of times I got pushed was terrible, at my school I was on our 4th floor for everything, that was the floor for only the smartest students.

Hey its your bro I'm ending this chapter here and I'm going to make a second part of this chapter because I'm tired and don't have time to write the rest right now but I wanted to post a chapter cause I haven't in a while

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