A New Love

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"459-544-2345(its a fake number) call me okay baby"

i walked out of the muser party looking a complete idiot i had the biggest smile on my face, once i got to my apartment i texted adym instantly i could not stand to what another minute to text adym.

(adym=adym  y/n=me

y/n: hey 

adym: hi baby you want to come to my apartment and just..... chill i guess

y/n: okay, but just remember we are taking it slow okay 

adym: okay i got it slow, thats just what were going to do take it slow, love you

y/n: love you see you soon

i couldn't help but put my phone to mt chest because of how dreamy adym was. After about 15 minutes the doorbell rang and i knew it was adym, i opened the door and it was CLAIRE how could it be this is not possible.

"Claire what are you doing here, i have someone coming over can you please leave" i say desperate 

"so i heard that adym was coming over, and i have a problem with that" Claire says sounding angry

"its not you and adym are together so can you back you off"

"actually me and adym are dating so if you could stay away from him i would appreciate that"

the door bell rings again i knew it was adym, i was on the verge of crying how could adym do this to me. I open the door and burst into tears, I'm shaking and depressed.

"ADYM HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME"i say  as I'm crying adym was and will always be my dream boy...........

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