*Bing bing* The phone alarm rings "Baby, baby wake up" Adams says while shaking me gently"
As I wake up I see Adams breath taking morning face. "Hi baby" he says while kissing him on the forehead.
"Baby you have to get i have a suprize for you" adym says while laughing.
"Okay I'll get up baby"
As I got up I was a bit nervous because I didnt no what was in store for the day so I got up and took a shower with adym, after I put my makeup on and this outfit⬇⬇⬇
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This is Adams outfit⬇⬇
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"You look great babe" I say
"Are you kidding baby you look like a freaking princess" adym says while im blushing.
Me and adym head out of the apartment to his black range rover, and get in it
"Before I start driving baby im going to put this blind fold on"
"Oookay I guess" I say confused. How special could suprize be
After I put the blind fold on adym started to drve. It seemed like a pretty long car ride but I didn't mind because I knew that adym had put a lot of effort into making this suprize perfect.
30 minutes later
"Okay babe were here" adym says while stopping the car
While Adym steps out of the car I wait patiently for him to open my car door.
"Okay baby were here you can take off the blindfold"