Chapter 18 - Hot n Cold

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There was a knock at my door. Before I could even ask the question, I got the answer.

"It's Yoongi."

I asked him to enter. He was dressed up. Ah, that's right. Tonight was Jimin's party. I had been too lost in my thoughts to notice.

"Any news?" I asked.

"They lost my pants at the dry cleaners. I stole Hosoek's."

"I meant about Y/N."

"Ah, right." He shrugged. "Nothing to report, really."

He walked further into the room, taking some cheese from the tray on the table next to me.

"She's uncomfortable, over-whelmed, and awkward." he continued. "Power-hungry and crazy aren't adjectives I'd use for her. And I've worked with enough spoiled, rich 'princesses' to know what I'm talking about."

Some tension left my shoulders.

"Also," he continued, "you didn't see the look on her face when she thought you were poisoned."

I raised an eyebrow. "Was she concerned?"


I took in a long breath. She barely knew me yet she was that concerned over my well-being. I still kept playing the day she came into my room over and over in my head. The feeling of her hand on my face. 

Ugh... was I doing the right thing?

"Earth to King Jin." Yoongi sung.

"Sorry. I was just thinking..."

"Do you still want to keep going with this? You seem on the fence."

I rubbed my neck as the tension built in it. "You'll keep your word that you won't touch her, right?"

He nodded.

"I – I'm not –" Words were failing me at the moment. "Let's keep an eye on her a little longer."

Yoongi shrugged. "As you wish."

He bowed and started to walk towards the door. He stopped when his hand reached the doorknob.

"She's wearing a blue dress." Yoongi said over his shoulder.

I wasn't sure why he was telling me that. "What?"

He nodded over the balcony. "Just in case you get curious."

With that, he left.

I stared at the balcony door for a moment. Could I see her from here?

The cool Summer air hit my face as I swung the doors open. I wasn't cold, but I wrapped my silk robes around me anyhow. 

Jimin's party had turned out wonderfully. The soft lights, the music, the crowd. If I didn't have so much anxiety during large events...

My eyes caught something blue in them. Focusing, I could see it was Y/N, just as Yoongi had said. Wow, she looked lovely. Her skin in the lamplight, the way her hair was brushing her neck – I could have stared at her for the rest of the night.

Wait... what was I saying?

Still... a couple minutes couldn't hurt anything, right?

I sat in the chair next to the railing and leaned my arm against it, watching her. Who was she dancing with? Namjoon? I smiled. They were both a little clunky at the waltz, weren't they? But they seemed to be having fun.

Watching them both, I realized the smile on Y/N's face held no threat against Namjoon.

Namjoon wasn't in danger with Y/N. He was at ease. I hadn't seen my brother that relaxed in years.

Y/N really wasn't going to hurt him, was she?

I looked down at the ring finger on my right hand. The one that my mother had broken when Namjoon broke the Qing-dynasty vase on accident. I knew she'd lose it, so I took the blame for it.

A broken finger for a broken vase. Eye for an eye. Tooth for a tooth.

That was just her way of thinking.

But Y/N...

She didn't seem to think that way at all.

Was I really doing the right thing?

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