Chapter Five

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Chapter Five
Blending With The Gang

Blending with people is not really my forte. When I was in grade school and middle school, I was home schooled.
I only got a taste of how the real world works when I stepped into college. And even so I still don't have friends, maybe it's because I'm too quiet. I don't talk unless people approach me first, I never like the taste of rejection and sometimes I just find conversing is lame.

I fell asleep on the chair and I woke up covered by a comforter next morning. "You alright?" My eyes snaps to the one who just talked. Bruno.

"Yeah." I reply.

"We're going to eat, we're landing soon. Go fix yourself and do what you need." He says. "I'll be with the gang. I'll wait for you." He turns and leave. I gave him a quick nod.

I rose up and walk to the bathroom, Then I brush my teeth and did the rest of my routine. I change into denim shorts and a grey off shoulder, then I tied my hair to a messy bun. I tried to look as presentable as I could, before walking out of the bathroom.

I nervously walk to the guys quarters. They were giving me looks, wolfish grins and some are even nudging each other. Bruno was talking with Phil laughing, when his eyes landed on me. I was stuck on the same spot next to the door not knowing what to do, where to sit, or do I even have a place here. I feel like an alien in a new planet.

"Alright. What's your name kid?" Eric clears his throat. He gave me a grin.

"Daya." I retorted. There was a vacant seat at the back. "I'm just going to–"I mutter pointing the vacant seat.

"Sure. Sure. Get yourself comfy." Eric warmly says. And I walk at the back seat. This is like what I see on movies, when the other kids doesn't like you and you try fitting in.

"Thanks." I say one last time. Least someone's talking to me. It felt good actually.

I dose off and woke up eavesdropping again to a conversation. A conversation of Bruno and his crew.

"What the fuck man! You never bring your coochies with us. What is this your carrots got stuck?" Phred says though I don't really know what he meant.

"No man. It's complicated." Bruno says and force a chuckle.

"She looks young." Another says. "And hot. Where'd you get her? You never say you've got company brotha."

"Well what does she do? Does she blow?" Another guy says earning laughs from everyone.

"Seriously guys. Just leave her alone. She's my problem." He tells them. "I got her pregnant."

"Though It's not sure yet. Right?" I heard Phil's voice.

"Ooh... This is tough as fuck." They blare again.

I continued listening to their conversation, till someone wakes me up. "Wake up sunshine."

'Oh I've been awake alright." My mind says. My eyes shot open. I got up and glance on the window. I no longer see clouds but just a plain wide space.

"I'm Jamareo." He says handing out his hand.

"Daya." I shook his hand without hesitation. I follow him till we get inside a black van. "Where are we?" I ask Jam.

He's sitting next to me. We're sitting last row and I'm in the middle of him and a window. I chose this area because I really love distracting myself with buildings and houses. It relaxes me.

"Singapore." He says. "Want to see Mickey and Minnie later?" Jam asks.

"Sure." I plaster a girlish grin. But Bruno constantly kills the vibes.

"No we're seeing a physician and we'll get you checked." The kill joy says.

"Guess I'm not coming." I shrug.

We ended up eating at Iggy's inside the Hilton Hotel. Everything's pretty fancy pansy, and I look underdressed. But I set aside my insecurities first because of my amazement to this restaurant. It's world class.

I sat next to Jam and Eric, they're the only ones who keeps me in company

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I sat next to Jam and Eric, they're the only ones who keeps me in company. Bruno and Phil has their own businesses, Phred doesn't talk much, he's always on phone and Kam, he's snooping for some chicas. So one pregnant weirdo plus two adults? I don't really know.

"You nervous?" Jam asks.

"A little." I say chowing down on my food. I really am hungry. I haven't eaten since last night.

"Don't be, if Bruno mess with you I'll get him." Eric says then he laughs. Then his expression becomes serious again. "I'm serious kid."

"How did you guys meet?" Jam ask again. He never runs out of question.

"The concert on Manila. I watched." I retorted taking another bite. I'm having pasta since that's what I'm craving for a moment. I'm not really into Chinese food.

"Wait so you're a fan?" Jamareo raises a brow. I gave him a quick not as an answer.

"Was." I say. Till I found out that he's a cocky jerk.

"Ooh... So you're not a hooligan no more?" Eric says making sure everyone's hearing every word. Again I return a shrug.

Eating time is over and we're moved in a separate van. It's just me, Bruno and Phil. I feel like an outsider the whole ride all the way to the clinic. I should've gone with Jam and Eric. They might talk a lot, but at least they don't let me feel awkward.

Bruno was wearing a hoodie a mask and shades on our way. Phil wears the same way. Some guy that I assumed who works in the building, walks in, he's probably a nurse.

"Hi. Ahh... Follow me." The Chinese guy says. We did as he said and walk to the elevator. We enter and let him operate.

"What if the O.B. Says something about this? It's a big trouble." I mutter.

"It's all taken care of." Bruno signals a halt.

"If you say so." I say.

After a few seconds we reached the 3rd floor. We kept following the nurse and then we he leads us to a door, he knocks then open the door, before he gestured us to go inside. When a phone rings. Pretty sure not my phone.

"I gotta take this call. Husband duties." Phil smiles. Bruno's forehead creased. "Don't be a sissy man. Good luck both of you. I'll be your watch." He says before answering his phone.

This is It. This is my first time going to an O.B. I didn't got a chance since I left early.

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