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           I walked out of the dining room and stormed to the front deck. How, how can Aphmau so easily replace Laurence when he was one of her most trusted friends. She didn't even look for him.

          "Aphmau it's been 3 months since Laurence disappeared and you have only sent out one search party. Is Laurence not important to you anymore?"
            "Garroth how can you say such a thing! Of course I care about him but we have no time to look for him. There are more important things to do. Well send another one out tomorrow if you like tho."
            "Thank you, my lady."
            "Your welcome Garroth, I miss him to you know."

           She never did send out another search party, a month later Leo chant came into the picture and like that Laurence was forgotten...

          "Garroth, this is Leo chant, he is going to be my right hand guard."
             "But my lady what about if Laurence comes back? No offense but we haven't even looked that much for him so he could still be well somewhere."
               "Garroth I know your worried about him but you know we are short a guard, we need a replacement for him for now."
         "Ok my lady but as soon as he gets back we'll give him his job back right?"
         "Yes Garroth, I promise."

            Promise my butt. She never keeps her promises, to me nor Katelyn. I can't believe I ever fell for her.

"Garroth what was that! Leo chant is one of our best guards he would never do such a thing! I can't believe how Aph puts up with you!"

"I'm sorry lady Katelyn but I don't trust him. If you want me to leave you just have to say so, Aphmau would probably just replace me anyway just like Laurence..."

"Garroth.... I know you miss him but Aphmau had to chose the best choice, and that was replacing Laurence but-"
"I know but we never talk about him anymore! Or even mention his name! Katelyn it's like he never existed in the first place!"

"Your right, I guess I just can't face the fact that he's actually gone." She said looking down. "When I saw him in the nether I just couldn't believe that we lost him to some monster." She didn't look me in the eyes when she said that so I don't k ow if what she said is the truth.

"Lady Katelyn I... I just need some time alone right now. But no matter what, that person we saw in the nether is Laurence, not a monster..." I could feel the tears stinging my eyes so I quickly wiped them away.

"I see, I'll take my leave then." She then turned around and walked away but then she stopped at the door.

"Garroth, I really do care about what happened to Laurence and how you must feel about it. If you need someone to talk to tho I'm here OK?"

As soon as she left I let the tears start streaming down my face. I can't take it anymore. I can't stand all this pain anymore.

"L-L-Laurence p-please come b-b-b-back, w-we n-need you, I need y-you, p-p-please."

I collapsed on the ground balling my eyes out. I tried to image his voice telling me everything will be alright, but he's not here.

"1,2,3,1,2,3, there you go bud. Deep breaths. Everything will be alright okay, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon OK." Laurence whispered to the crying blonde in his arms.

"Shh, it's OK, I'm OK, your OK, everything is OK." Laurence started to rock the blonde gently back and forth while rubbing his back lightly.

About 5 minutes later the blonde was sleeping peacefully in his arms. Laurence kissed the top of his head and fell asleep too.

Garroth smiled at the sweet memory he had. That was happened right before he went missing.

"Laurence..." I mumbled before going into the dark cave that we call sleep.

I awoke in a in a uncomfortable bed. I had a bad pain in my side and my vision was blurry. Then I heard his voice.

"Garroth, Garroth, please wake up. I'm so sorry I abandoned  you. I was stupid and only thinking about myself then, I didn't think about how you would feel. Garroth please say something anything. This is all my fault, I'm so sorry love." He mumbled the last part.


  Then all I could see was darkness...


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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