Chapter 2 - Lucy's Past [Part.1]

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"Lucy, why do you have those powers?" Erza asked as she sipped some rose tea.

I wonder...

"I dont knwo why actually, I think I just develop- "

My connection to the world was severed as my body gave up on me.


I was 7 years old. I used to be very weak and could barely hold one Nickola open. My mum was training me secretly because magic was illegal here.

"Lucy, focus hard on opening the gate, not the result, focus on pulling little 'Plue' out." Layla said as she circled around Lucy.

"Yes Mother" I replied as I regained my focused. The images of Plue jumping around the mansion echoed in my head, I need too see him, pull him out. I want my Plue back!

"Open gate of the little dog, NICKOLA!" A bright light appeared and there stood Plue.

"PLUE!" I screamed as I smiled at him. I put the key on my table and hugged Plue.

"Lucy I'm so proud of you!" Layla praised childishly as she spun around in circles as she hugged her beloved daughter in her infamous death hug.

"M-Mother, you're k-killing me!" I giggled.

"Sorry my dear Lucy but I must say, Plue really is the cutest. Speaking of, if you can keep Plue out for the whole day and night, I'll give you another Nickola key."

My eyes widened. Another key! This was the best news I had heard all day. I'll have a new friend. An enormous and stupid smile spread across my face.
"Okay!" My voice was full of determination. A new friend plus, I can impress Mumma with my magical ability and how much of an amazing teacher she is. I'll make her proud.

-The next day-

I woke up full of curiosity, had I done it? Have I kept little Plue out all night?

"Plue!" I whispered as I looked around my room, but he was nowhere in sight. No, I didn't. I want to cry. I failed Plue and Mother. I acted like the little child I am and screamed into a pillow while wrapped up in my blankets.

"Puun puun!" My eyes widened and my spirits were risen. My eyes searched the room and saw him at the end of my bed trying to crawl up. I pulled him up and hugged him laying a kiss on his forehead.
"Mother! Come see! Come see!"
The door creeped open and I saw my mothers face.

"Morning Princess, what am I supposed to be looking at so early in the morning?"
I lifted Plue up and raised him in the air for her too see. Mumma stared at Plue then me. I was confused because she had a serious face on. The next thing I knew I was being hugged by a child in my mothers body squeezing me tightly. I was happy about the embrace but truthfully, I wanted to breathe again.
"C-can't breathe..."
"Oh right" Mumma said as she held me in the air and twirled. I was soon put on my two feet on the ground. Mum leaned in and winked at me as she placed something on my palm whispering in my ear.
"I'm so proud of you"
I looked at my palm and a silver Nicola key was sitting there. My eyes brimmed with happiness, a new friend!
"Go on! Open the gate sweetie" My mother said kindly smiling at me.
"OPEN GATE OF THE LITTLE DOG, NICOLA!" I said loudly and soon the room glowed.
"Punn punn!" Plue said while starring at the glow awaiting to see his new friend. A pink foot stepped out and soon a whole nickola stood before us. The Nickola was smaller than Plue and was pink in colour, it had a pattern, that being pink hexagons in a darker shade of pink. It's nose was still an orange cone that still looked like a carrot.
"She's so cute..." I whispered staring at the pink nickola.
"Lucy, are you going to make a contract with her?" Mother asked placing her delicate hand on my even more delicate shoulder. My eyes wandered down to see a pink writing saying the hours at what days the nickola was able to be of service.
"So you're fine been able to work with me everyday, any hour of the day?" I asked in curiosity. That just doesn't seem right.
"That's really..." I trailed off as my connection to the world was severed and I fainted. I heard my Mother call out my name and felt the gates close.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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