Chapter 7

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The light was hurting my eyes, I couldn't see anything. I could definitely feel though, the pain in my head was excruciating. I tried to move my hand to my head but realized my hands were bound. I blinked several times, trying to clear my vision. I couldn't see, but my other senses were heightened, I could smell fast food and whiskey.

"Dean, I think she's finally coming to," a voice said.

I tried to remember who it belonged to, but my head was still too fuzzy. My vision finally cleared enough to take in my surroundings. The first thing I noticed was the fact that I was tied to a chair in a sleazy motel room. My eyes moved directly in front of me, where I saw a man staring at me with fear in his eyes. My brain finally caught up, and I recognized the man was Sam. Everything that happened flashed before my eyes and I fully understood the danger I was in. I heard shuffling coming from the bathroom as Dean walked into the room.

"Bought time she woke up," Dean said, turning a chair around and sitting in front of me.

"I'm right here, so you can stop talking like I'm not!" I spat.

I was already tired of this whole charade. Dean raised his hand and slapped me across the face.

"Dean what the HELL!?" Sam yelled, pushing Dean away from me.

I spat out the blood that was accumulating in my mouth. I couldn't believe he'd done that.

"Sam, she's a monster she isn't even human, I saw what she did!" Dean shouted.

"She saved my life, that's what she did!" Sam shouted back.

"Both of you, shut the hell up! I can explain everything!" I finished, they both turned to stare at me.

I closed my eyes as the last few days passed through my mind, the hunt that had led to all of this. I was just ready for this all to be over. I knew I didnt have to save Sam the way I had, but I couldnt just let him die. I had become attached. Something I should have never done. My head was pounding and I couldn't take much more of their bickering.

"We're waiting, and make sure you don't skip a thing, or you'll become reacquainted with the butt of my gun," Dean said.

I looked back and forth between the two men and tried to decide what to do. I knew I couldn't trust them, even if I wanted to. The look in Sam's eyes told me that he wanted to believe I was good. Which I was, I never asked to be born what I am. I never asked to be hunted and feared for something I couldn't help. I never once hurt someone unless I absolutely had to.

"I want to tell you everything, but how can I know you won't kill me regardless of what I say," I said, with sadness in my voice.

"You can't, we will do what we have to if you're a threat than we will kill you," Dean bluntly said.

Sam gave him a look that I couldn't quite place, then looked in my eyes and nodded. Silently telling me to continue. I took a deep breath my head throbbing uncomfortably.

"Ok, I'll tell you everything, please be open-minded and hear me out, please!" I pleaded.

Sam took a seat beside Dean who motioned for me to continue. I tried to position myself so I could feel more confident, but nothing worked. So I decided to just get it over with, after a deep breath I was ready.

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