Chapter 3 We Are Here

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2 hours later Chase and the rest of the pup marines arrive at fort spectrum
They get out heading towards the holiding sector
Chase:So this is the base.Huh
Sgt:Yeah come on we need you to put your name down then you will be a private.
They walk up to a camo coulered door then Sgt opens it where there are a row of pup marines with papers
Sgt:Chase walk up there I'll wait for you outside
Sgt leaves outside leaving chase
Chase:Hey i'm chase I signed up and the Sgt tolled me to put my name down
???:sure here
He gives chase some papers
???:Im John by the way
Chase:Chase nice to meet you
Chase signed the form then left where the Sgt was waiting
Sgt:You done great let's go
Chase and the Sgt walk up to a building in it was several pups that signed up
Sgt:Chase you will wait here until we prepare the it?
Chase:Yes sir
Sgt walks out heading to the training zone
Chase sits down as he looks at the pups who are talking to each other but a female golden retriever walks up to Chase
Sorry if it's short in Really busy I'll update ASAP

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