Chapter 6 The Outpost

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Chase fell asleep while listening to songs until on the pilots speaker said"Strap up we are here marines"
Chase's POV
I woke up by the sound of the pilot there was no windows to see so I put my seatbelt on and woke Rosie up she said"What are we there yet?"*Yawns*
I said yea
No ones POV
Rosie put her seatbelt on and the plane was getting lower everyone felt it and a rough landing occurred the plane drove into a hanger and stopped the engine and the back hatch opened there was several Mi5 agents and Marines that escorted Chase and everyone to a helicopter sector
Rosie's POV
I saw there where loads of helicopter's which was black and really big it
(authors note-The helicopter is a black hawk and looked like this)

(Sorry but I had to search it on safari)???:Ok Private's,Corpral's and Sargent's I'm Colonel Harris and all of you will go on these 6 Hawks and fly to a outpost 8 miles from here and if your wondering where the other 50 of your marine friends are ...

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(Sorry but I had to search it on safari)
???:Ok Private's,Corpral's and Sargent's I'm Colonel Harris and all of you will go on these 6 Hawks and fly to a outpost 8 miles from here and if your wondering where the other 50 of your marine friends are there 3 miles in the Iraq border so get on them choppers and good luck marines HORAH
All except Col(Colonel):HORAH!
They all get on the hawks and all 6 hawks take off heading North East after about 23 mins the heli's land and Cpt appeared all the helicopters cut the engines and the cpt began to speak
Cpt:I'm Cpt Wilson and I run this outpost first all of you go to your living quarters and unpack meet me here in 10
All:Yes sir!
Everyone went to the living quarters and unpacked The was bunk beds and Chase was bottom and Rosie top they all unpacked and waited 10 mins
Time lapse 10 Mins later
All the marines(pups) walk to get where the Cpt tolled them and the Cpt held a paper clip bored and said "Staff Sargent Clarkson?"SSGT Clark replied "Here sir"
Cpt:good and Sargent Samuels?
Chase:Here sir
Cpt:You and SSGT will lead a squad to a village needed help but first training follow me everyone
They all follow where they are guns and Targets are
Cpt:First we need to test your Ability to shoot PFC Rosie Smith you first
Rosie:Yes sir
Cpt:Pick up the M4
Rosie picks the M4 and aims at the targets the Cpt shouted Shoot all of the targets Rosie started shooting but she was quite bad until she got control and hits the target they was 9 in total and she shot 5 until the mag ran out
Cpt: oh and you have to do this in 15 seconds if failed you will be Demoted Do you under stand
All:Yes Sir!
Cpt:PFC Smith stand in the red zone please
Rosie:Yes sir
10 Mins later
Cpt:Sgt Samuels your the last one show en what you got
Chase:Yes sir
Chase aimed until the the Cpt said go Chase shot 1 bullet and every target less than 7 seconds which got the Cpt shocked and everyone else
Cpt:Where did you learn to shoot like that?
Chase:My father he taught me while hunting Rabbits there was 15 of em and I took care of them every single one bullet to the head
Cpt:WOW! Amazing Sgt well done
Chase:Thanks sir
Cpt:Ok then there is gonna be 5 squads I'm sending 1 to the village so Squad 1 will be SSGT Clark you and Sgt Samuels will lead Pvt Jimmy Pvt Jeffery Cpl Willis PCF Smith and Lance Cpl Miller so move out and take the 2 Humveys Radio me when you get there got it
Squad 1:Yes sir
Squad 1 move out to the the Humveys and Chase,Clarke and Rosie go in one and the rest in the other and began to drive the outpost gates open and all the marines move out with there M4's except Chase since he did the best at the range he got the FN Scar they move out and Rosie was dressed in a medic uniform and The rest Normal millitary Suits with Balistic Body Armour but Only a Dragonov sniper can penetrate threw it when they arrive the people of the Village where in there home 1 said "Kapa Lila tu carh va"Chase replied"Zio le ca pe an fie de"the Civilian said"Ca pa"SSGT"You know Iraqi?"Chase replied"My friend was Iraqi he got bullied people calling him a terroriest and I Proctected him from them and taught me Iraqi"
Rosie:Oh wow
SSGT:what he say
Chase:The Talibans are in there village so stay sharp
All except SSGT:Yes sir
They walked up the street with there guns drawn and looking for the talibans
SSGT:Chase I want you to go to that truck by there gives you a advantage for scouting Chase replied Yes sir
Chase's POV
The SSGT said to me go by that truck and u said ok as I moved up I looked around with my gun I was behind the truck until BAM A sharp pain went threw my vest on the right side of my chest I fell and blacked out
No Ones POV
SSGT:NO! Cover Rosie Guys she needs to get Chase to check on him
All but Chase'Roise and SSGT:Yes sir
They opened fire while Rosie ran to chase and checked on him he wasn't moving but barely breathing

What will happen will Chase DIE!? Or will he survive WHO KNOWS? Well how did you like the story so far let me know in the comment's and stay tuned for Chapter 7 peace out ✌️

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