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two weeks later

ethan: wait where is this place

me: downtown. i'm already here, where are you?

Ethan: i'm on my way, jesus chill out

me: blah blah blah

I put my phone down and look at Kayla who is sitting across from me, "I cannot believe you're actually meeting him."

"It's been two weeks, even I don't want to wait anymore." I say and she nods, "I'm so nervous. Why am I nervous?"

"Because you're, like, in love with this kid."

"It's been two weeks I don't know what the hell love even is." I respond and she shrugs,

"Calm down, you'll be fine." she says, "He gotta text you when he's here though, so I know my cue to exit."

"You don't want to meet him?"

"Oh, no, I do. But it's your guys' day to meet. I'm just surprised you're not meeting in a more private place, that fandom is crazy and hates when they hang out with girls." she smiles,

"Okay, I am already nervous!" I say and she laughs, "Shit, thanks for that."

"You're welcome." she smirks.

Ethan's POV

"Grayson, Im freaking the fuck out." I wipe my palms on my pants,

"Dude, chill." he laughs, "You've been talking to this girl for weeks."

"I know." I say, "But I can still be nervous, goddamn."

"Dude, you're never nervous. We went on tour and you were so hyped for every single one." he says and I shrug,

"That's different. She's different." I respond and he smiles, pulling into the parking lot. "Okay, how do I look?"

"You look fine, especially since I picked out your outfit." he says and I roll my eyes, "Go win her over."


This is it. This is the moment I meet her.

Maya's POV

"He's here." I look at my phone and stand up,

"No, sit back down." she says and I look at her, "Sit on this side though, but act like you're looking out the window and not paying attention."

"Do I look okay?" I ask and she nods,

"You look fine. I chose your outfit, you're welcome, by the way." she says, "I'll see you whenever you're done here."

"Thank you, Kayla." I say and she nods, rushing out. I sigh and look out the window. This is it. This is the moment I meet him. I've been prepared for a week, why am I so nervous?

"Maya..." he walks up and I look over, smiling.

"Ethan..." I say and he sits down beside me,

"There's a whole other bench across from me." I look at him,

"You're just as snarky as you are over the phone." he says and I smirk, "If I sat on the other side, I wouldn't be able to do this." he says, placing a hand on my cheek and kissing me gently. We both pull away and look into each other's eyes, a smile upon my face. "It's nice to finally meet you, Maya."

"It's nice to meet you, Ethan."


so....this is actually the last chapter and the end of the book🙂🙂🙂🙂

okay so i didn't know how i exactly wanted to end this book but after thinking it over i was like it'd be cool if i just left it at a cliffhanger type, right when they meet. and i know if you've been here since the beginning you remember the original version but i made some revisions...

anyways thank you for all the support on this book and i love you all. ❤️❤️

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