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This book will probably have pretty inconsistent updates because I'm trying to keep updating on my other two books which hasn't really been happening :)

James POV

I just sit on the floor of the cubicle for some time quietly sobbing into my hands. What the hell is wrong with me? Nobody of my age does this, especially after he gets his girl back. Am I depressed or something? I don't understand anything that I'm feeling right now and I have no idea what I'm meant to do about it. After a few minutes I hear the door open and someone walks in, causing me to cover my mouth to stifle my sobs. I don't move at all, not wanting to make a sound indicating my presence, but that proves useless as I soon hear a voice say "James?". I still don't make a noise after I realise it's West, I don't want him seeing me like this, it's so uncool. After a few moments of silence, he speaks up again "James, I saw you come in here looking all upset and you've been in here ages. You alright bro?" I hear him say, a little quieter this time. It's no use staying quiet then I guess. "Yeah um-" I go to speak but my voice slightly cracks and I freeze. I don't need the guys to see me like this, they would probably drop me in seconds if they found me crying.  I clear my throat and speak up again 'Yeah, I'm fine dude' I say trying to sound like I have no idea what he's talking about. I hear him start to walk back towards the door but he stops and says "Whatever it is, you know you can talk to me. At least talk to Riley." and I hear the door open again, and just like that it's silent again. I gulp and finally open the cubicle door. I walk over to the sink and wash my face. Am I having a breakdown or something? I just stand by the sink and stare into the mirror for a moment. I barely even recognise myself. I can feel myself getting upset again so I wipe my face over and walk quickly out the bathroom. I need to convince everyone that I'm okay, even if I can't convince myself. 

I walk into Java Junction and see West, Eldon, Riley and Thalia all sitting together. I put on my best fake smile and walk over to them and sit with Riley. "Hey we've been waiting for you" Riley says to me questioningly, and I reply "Oh yeah, I got a phone call" trying to laugh it off. As soon as I sit down, Thalia and Riley stand up to go and get everyone juice. I scroll through my phone for a bit, avoiding eye contact with the boys in case they can tell I've been crying. "Dude what's wrong" I finally hear West say, and this time I look up. "What?" Eldon asks, clearly confused about what West is talking about. "Yeah I agree with Eldon, what?" I reply to West, trying to play it cool. "You know what" West replies, trying to avoid directly saying it in front of Eldon. Before either of them can reply, the girls reappear with the juices and sit back down with us. At least that's the end of that conversation, and Riley and Thalia start to babble on about the upcoming dance season, but I can't help still feeling like crap. I zone out of their conversation fairly soon and find myself staring at the floor. I feel something hit my foot and look up to see West staring at me, after kicking my foot I guess. I can feel my emotions starting to overwhelm me again and I can't deal with this. "Oh yeah, I just remembered, I erm, I have this thing with the band, see you later" I say quickly and I run out of Java Junction. I keep running until I find myself in studio A. I walk over to one of the benches and sit down with my head in my hands. I hate myself for feeling like this.

Riley POV

Okay, so that was... weird. I thought he was meeting with his band later on? I guess I heard wrong. I look around at the others to see if I'm the only one who found that strange and their faces tell me that I'm not alone. Soon after, West jumps up and says "I also just remembered about this thing with... Amanda! Yeah Amanda, catch you guys later!" and he runs out as well. What is it with these guys today? 

It's 1am and I have a headache writing this so hope you enjoyed :)

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