Chapter 2

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I sat along the walls, the woman around me chattering and coloring in pictures of what we told are animals and they live on the outside world. I sat, wishing I could do something interesting. I tapped against the window, when it was beginning to rain, oh one day  promised myself I would feel that rain. Sage said it felt like showering, except softer and warm, also that is smelled amazing. He said it had a smell that the human language couldn't define except for calling it the smell of rain.

My face pressed against the cool glass, I could hear the rain patter onto the flowers outside. I seemed to be the only one who envied the men, the outside world. I have asked people all my life and no one said that they thought this way of life wrong or ever wanted to go out into the grass and leaves or learn to read.

I took on a deep breathe, trying to imagine spending the rest of my life here in the Complex. Being friends with the same person, coloring, singing, walking around in the whiteness. I herd a man say this place "whiter than heaven" which must  be pretty white. I believe heaven meant the worst place in existence.

"What's wrong?" My little sister Lana asked, taking hold of my hand. He was also small like our mom, but she was blonde from what must have been her dad.

"Nothing, just bad dreams. Go off and play," She ran off into a group of giggling girls and I looked at them with envy. I missed being back in the Children's house, it was so much easier. I didn't feel like I had to think so much, though I am unable to decide my own choices.

Sage leaned against the wall next to me, "I'm sorry," He whispered. He said that a lot, he was sorry for the position I was in. This time though it felt different, it felt deeper and darker. I tapped my nails harder on the glass, praying it would break. Just for me, just once.

Then silence filled the room. I looked up to find men in suits walking towards me, they picked me off the ground, "Whoa, hold on who gave you permission?" Sage asked, trying to pull me away from the men. One pulled out and ID.

"Under King Andrew, we are here to seize Bruno here, she is requested present at the palace," A deep voiced man said.

"What, why?" I asked.

"You are a dumb Saukerl!" He growled, pushing me past in front of him. All the girls were silent, not helping me at all. I looked back and Sage was being held back, the men in suits trying to calm him down. I was taken outside, into fresh air. Rain drenched my white shirt but it felt amazing. It was different from what Sage had explained, the smell was indescribable. I finally saw the gray clouds above me and the rain got in my eyes. This water was so different from the water inside my complex.

I was placed into a car, I had seen photos and herd things about them from Sage. I sat in the seat, another man in the same black suit was to my right. He out a strap over my body, which made me nervous, then the car started moving. I dug my nails into the seat and controlled my breathing. The guards taught at us at even a young age not to show fear, never to let it over rule you. This moment though was the scariest yet.

I unclawed from the seats and watched the world roll by out the window, controlling my breathing. The rain was hard to see and I was able to finally see grass in real life, not just in pictures. I wasted to open the car door and run in the field we passed by but I stayed put like the good girl I was trying to be. We passed by many buildings of all shapes and sizes, so many different colors. Hours later we came upon a giant tan wall, guards everywhere. The cars stopped and the guards looked in, then letting us continue through giant metal gates.

We came upon a large building that looked like the color of cream. Pillars stood tall, there were large sides then one giant tower in the middle. Guards stood everywhere, peering at me. It was worse then the Complex! I got out of the car and followed the men inside. Inside it had bright red carpeting and the walls were golden. Paintings of men and landscapes lined the wall, many doors I wondered where they all led to. We went into a small metal room, which I found really weird. I stepped in and the doors shut, then the small room began to move. I held onto the small bar behind me as we went up, I controlled my breathing. After what felt like hours, though only seconds, the doors open and I was lead to a giant set of doors.

This room was different from all the other rooms and hallways I've seen. It had light blue wallpaper and gray carpeting, a large bed in the corner of the room, on the other side was a large black box hanging on the wall with a light blue couch in front of it.  There at the window stood a man in a white silk shirt, wide green eyes, and black hair. He had a grin on his face though his eyes were sad, "Bruno, how are you? Please sit," I shook hands with the man. I sat on the couch awkwardly, not sure of where I was.

"Hello there," I said, giving a little nod to my head. The man sat down next to me, his smile never fading.

"I'm King Andrew, I rule over America. I rule over you and the men and the women. I am here to ask you some questions about the Complex and what could be improved upon."

"How about letting us out into the air? I mean, today was my first day! Maybe learn how to read and write would be nice! Maybe some animals would be nice, I want to see them, not just hear about them!" I snorted. I leaned back on the couch, acting as if I owned the place.

He laughed, "This is why I chose you, you're a smart one! I can't let the women outside, if they step a foot outside into the fresh air. Most would freak out and have panic attacks if they go outside. You are one of the few who wouldn't freak out in tears and curl up in a ball. They are used to the comfort of whiteness, let them stay. As for reading we don't need women getting ideas, men are made to rule and live! The women were made to stay in the house and color and sing. That's what they were made to do. Animals are too strong for women, even the littlest of butterflies," He put a hand on my knee.

"That is not true! I've herd stories of when men and women were equal, and women were with animals and loved them. What's so different now?" I scoffed. He began to look irritated.

"They are just stories, men are superior. Why do you think the word 'women' has the word 'men' in it?" He took a hand off my knee. That's when I got pissed, super pissed. I took my hand up, curled, and hit him right in the jaw. His head snapped to the right and men were on me in seconds.They are just stories, men are superior. Why do you think the word 'women' has the word 'men' in it?" He took a hand off my knee. That's when I got pissed, super pissed. I took my hand up, curled, and hit him right in the jaw. His head snapped to the right and men were on me in seconds. They were yelling things I couldn't understand as they pinned me to the grey carpeted floor.

King tried to push through the bulky men, "Don't hurt her, I told you not to hurt her!" The King yelled . Four men held down my arms and legs, me trying to struggle to get back up, "Bruno, don't struggle!" I stopped moving and calmed down, letting my body relax, tried not to panic. Deep breath in, deep breath out.

"I am not going to hurt anyone, so if you'd be a dear and let me go that would be wonderful," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Let her up boys," King said and his men let go of me. I stood up and looked at King Andrew smugly.

"I like your men, they're quick like me," I smiled.

He rubbed the side of his face, "That one is going to leave a mark little Miss Bruno. Most women don't punch, most women don't even know much of violence. They don't need the violence honestly, most can't take it. You on the other hand, you're different from the other girls.. Well I guess you already knew that,"  His words were like ice to my ears. Very cold and very sharp.

I layed across his big blue couch, "I hope it leaves a mark! If all men are like this I hope I can punch them all and leave some marks! Now you didn't bring me here for a few questions, what am I here for, let me guess because I am 'special?'"

"You learn quickly Bruno! I hoped you would, since you where born I hoped you were a decent girl, though you would be a girl and never have potential. You are here today because I want to give you a message before your first birth: Beware of lairs," He basically hissed the last word, making my ears hurt. King Andrew turned and looked at his men, "Bring her home boys, she needs to get ready," I stood up and the men carried me to the car just because I requested it.  The ride home was silent and I just focused on his last words, beware of lairs.

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