iv. Generally Sexy Actions

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Sinking to their knees




Pressing foreheads together

Shoving a hand between someone's legs

Shoving your hips together

Pinning their wrists



Wet/lick lips

Hike a skirt up/ruck a shirt up

Stroke (skin, hair, genitals, etc.)

(when one character is pressed against a wall) A does something, and B slams/throws their head back into the wall in reaction.

Undoing buttons/zips with their teeth (I suggest only having experienced lovers do this. It's remarkably difficult and you run the risk of getting your lip caught in a zip. It's not something to have a virgin get right on their first time in fiction if you want to be believable).

Splay hands across someone's chest or lower back

Rake nails across skin/through hair

Hooking a leg around someone's waist

Knee between thighs

Biting collarbones/hip bones/ribs (the bones that tend to protrude beneath the skin and draw it taut)

Sucking neck skin into the mouth

Cupping their cheeks

Grasping their chin and tilting it up/down

Placing a finger against their lips

Letting breath tickle their ears

Digging your nails in

Dipping your tongue into collarbone/bellybutton/ears/etc.

Tugging on earlobes with teeth

Push their hair back/card through it/rake through it

Hair pulling

Lips brushing ears

Ghosting over their neck with fingers/lips

Running fingers lightly over someone's palm or wrist

Hip grinding/rutting/thrusting/rolling/shifting/rockin g together

Dirty Talk (this can be anything from a simple "Oh, God, yes" to a full-on "I want to feel your name burning on my skin for days*." I suggest loads of cursing and using the lord's name in vain. "Oh fuck, oh, Jesus, fuck yes, there, just like that, fucking Christ" is a good start.)

Nipple play (Use caution depending on gender. Some men love it, some hate it, the majority of women love it)



*Credit for that line to a Sherlock/Moriarty fic called "Crescendo" by PlainJaneDoe. It's amazing and a prime example of dirty talk. 10/10 Highly recommend. It's listed in the References section.

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