Chapter 1 The Suprise

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(Lucy's P. O. V)
We are celebrating the victory of the GMG games we won and we are now the number one strongest guild in Fiore! We enter the guild and everyone is already happy, smiling, and joyful we celebrate hard. Nastu and the guys were challenged by Cana to a drinking computation. Nastu failed extremely miserably I was soon sent to Nastu's home by Mira. Then the worst thing happen but it was as well the best because I have a crush on Nastu. I soon fell asleep in Nastu's arms and then when I woke. I was asleep on Nastu I quickly and quietly gets off Nastu. I left Nastu's house I finally got to my house when all of a sudden I got dizzy and I ran to the bathroom and then threw up into the toilet. I wipe held my hair up behind my head waiting for the next load of puke to come up. I finally was done and I thought it was only because of how much I ate and drank last night I decided to stay in bed today.

(1 month later)
(Lucy's P. O. V)
I was waking up when I got the urge to puke I ran out of bed and into the bathroom. I don't get it I have been puking every mornings and only the mornings I'm going to the doctor today. I need to tell Gramps that I won't be coming back to the guild till I feel better. I head to the hospital I get straight away care for my description on how I feel. I'm currently sitting on the hospital bed when I see the doc come in.

Miss Heartfilia we can show you what's wrong with you if you would like. Doc said

Is it going to be something disgusting because my stomach has been weak lately and I don't want to throw up.

No it's quite beautiful and how long have you been throwing up lately? Doc question

I have been throwing up for a month now. I replied

I see (they drag in a machine and the doctor puts some jelly stuff on my stomach. The monitor screen comes on and then he moves a stick around on top of my stomach.) Ah there it is. He said looking to the screen.

I look up on the screen and there showed a BABY! On the screen. I'm-I'm pregnant? I say

Yes you are, and your one month into the pregnancy. He said.

( After the hospital check up)

I went home and started packing when I was done I went to the guild and went straight up to Gramps office and explain everything to him. We came up with a plan and I went down stairs to wait till he came out. Gramps finally came out of his office and hoped up onto the railing.

Listen up brats I have a nine month mission its a secret mission it must be done alone. The person who was qualified to do this mission is... Lucy Heartfilia you leave in 3 hours. Master Markarov said.

I grabbed the folder the he held and he whispered to me.

I'll wait for the new member and send us letters once in a while okay. Master said.

I nodded and smile I hanged out with the guild for two hours and then I gave hugs good bye. I turn around to walk out I saw from the corner of my eye Nastu was sad. Hey Nastu! I called out. You can stay in my apartment while I'm gone just pay the bills for me! He lifted his head and gave one of his toothy grins.

Thanks Luce we'll be waiting for you! He yelled. As I got farther and farther away.

I got onto the train and looked out the window when we started pulling away I heard my name.


I look and see Nastu running by the train I open the window and he threw a box I caught the box.

Open it when you start to miss me! He yelled

I smiled and waved him goodbye as the train went faster and faster. I closed the window and looked inside the envelope that master gave me. It was money and a set of keys and a slip of paper with an address on it.

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