~Part 4~

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      He's so cute, acting all shy. Those rosy red cheeks and beautiful blue green eyes. Tsk, I could've kissed him right then and there. No, Levi. Pace yourself, you can't just take him cause he's hot. Think of your failed relationships. Don't screw it up! Just breathe and flow like you do.  Damn, all this thinking I've been in my room too long! Levi grabbed a plane whit v-neck and slipped it on grabbing his laptop and step out to the small living room. Eren sat on his couch awkwardly, fidgeting with his thumbs. He's so cute. He walked around the coffee table that was in the center of room in front of his couch and placed down his laptop before taking a seat next to Eren. 

     "Got something on you mind, brat?" Levi said smirking at him. Eren looked up from his fingers, he seemed worried about talking about himself today or his past in general. Levi could tell that the two of them have both shared a rough past and neither wanted to bring it up so soon. "Do you wanna start small?" Levi leaned back in the couch crossing his arms over his chest. Though it was just a small question, Eren felt thankful Levi wanted to stay from the heavy details. Eren nodded and pulled out his notebook and pen and the two began to ask one another small questions.

      About an hour and half had past and Eren stomach let out a small growl. "Hungry much, brat?" Eren no longer protested against the nickname and instead became fond of it. He rubbed his belly, "Just a little bit. " and let out a nervous laugh. "Alright let's go." Levi stood up from the sofa and stretched out his body, his shirt lifting up just enough to reveal his sharp V cut right in front of Eren. "G-go? Go where?" Eren stood up as well but bumped his knee into the coffee table sending him falling on top of Levi. The two fell with a thud to the floor and thankfully Levi just barely tapped his head. He lifted his hand to rub the back his when he realized the Eren was stuck and was straddling his hips. There faces just a few centimeters apart. Eren's face blushed brightly as he tried to free his ankle from beneath the gap of the couch, but Levi had other intentions. His hand came up to wrap around Eren's waist bringing his body even closer. Eren hadn't notice how much larger he was then Levi by height but Levi did have a great amount of strength. He leaned up giving Eren a soft kiss, feeling the smoothness of Eren's lips against his. Running his hands up his back and running them through his hair. He then let his hands fall from Eren's waist and pulled away. Eren's blue green eyes grew wide with shock at what just happened. He had finally freed his ankle and got up from Levi. "I'm hungry too, we're going for pizza." Levi stood up and grabbed his wallet and keys, motioning for Eren to follow. Eren was still in shock at what just happened, he quickly grabbed his wallet and followed Levi out the door. "L-levi! Wha-Why? " Eren's words tumbled out his mouth unable to focus. "Why what? That I kissed you, brat?" Levi stopped and turned to face Eren dead in the eyes,  his emotionless expression burning into Eren's soul. "Get in." Levi demanded opening the door to his car, it was  a sleek, black Maserati. Eren turned away from Levi and slid into the leather seat following Levi walking around the car and into the drivers seat. Eren was tense and his hands shaky. 

      The whole drive to the restaurant was silent neither of the two spoke of the kiss. "We're here." Levi and Eren got out the car, they stood before a small restaurant. The neon sign humming above them. They walked in and sat at a small table against the wall and the waitress came to take their order. Eren had kept from eye contact but decided to finally say something. "W-what was that for? Why did you kiss me?..." Eren said in a soft whisper. Levi turned to face him, resting his chin in his palm, "Because I can. I couldn't resist it." he said bleakly. Eren's cheeks flushed a light red, he covered his face in embarrassment. "Levi...I like you b-but wasn't it too soon...?" the words so softly spoken. Eren had never had a real relationship before and he obviously didn't want his first to fail. 

      I knew it was to soon, I should've waited...Now he probably doesn't want to work together anymore... Fuck Levi, why did you have to screw it up already. Levi thought intensely but never let it show, his brows only furrowed slightly. Eren noticed and figured he was concerned how this would affect them too and the assignment. "I-it's fine, Levi...You don't need to worry, I just want for this work." Eren raised his hand and placed it gently on Levi's that rested on the table. Levi's cheeks softened to a light pink barely noticeable. The waiter came back and placed the food between them, making Eren take back his hand. 

       The rest of the evening went smoothly, both of them making small talk. They had finally left and drove back to Levi's dorm. It was already midnight and the two new it was well passed curfew. They walked back to Eren's dorm building, a small smiled placed itself on Eren's face. They reached the entrance of the dorm building, "Thank you, Levi. I enjoyed our time together. " Eren's light tan and blue green eyes shined under the moonlight glow. Levi nodded, taking in his beauty. "Goodnight, Levi." Eren gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek before walking into the dorm. Levi stood still outside, cupping the cheek that Eren kissed. "Night, brat." he said softly, a small smile made it's way to his lips but quickly disappeared and walked back to his dorm. 

       Eren walked to his dorm and walked in, Armin was still up working on some homework. "Eren! How did it go? It's late!" His eyes were wide with excitement, as he rolled out in his desk chair. "Armin, so far...He's pretty great."  A silly smiled planting itself on Eren.  

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