Oni Ch.25

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After Allison hung up Chris and I made eye contact, both of us confused. At this time Parrish finally came back and looked at us with even more confusion. "What happened?" Parrish asked looking between me and Chris. 

"Is Stiles jeep still here?" I ask Parrish. "No, I forgot to tell you. His vehicle wasn't here when I went to go get Chris." "AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!" Parrish's face went blank, "Well you looked a little busy, just 'bear' with me for now, okay?" 

I looked at Parrish, my face just as blank as his was. I was going to kill him, did he really just make a fucking joke about me being a bear trap. This handsome bitch is gonna get stabbed. I stand up and walk over to him, then I simply poke his head. I mean sure I used all my strength for the little boop, but that's all it was a little boop.

The little boop that sent him flying all the way into a tree. 

I walked over to him as he got all fired up, "Aw, chill out. No needed to get so heated up, lil bitch." I smile to myself considering how many puns I just threw out. He stood up and calmed down, we smiled at each other for a bit until Chris interrupted us. 

 "Shouldn't we be going to the school?" He said raising his eyebrows and looking back and forth between me and Parrish. "Yep, let's go, Parrish!" I say clapping at him like you would to a dog. He laughed a little then ran up to me and shoulder checked me lightly. "Hey! Don't be so mean, Parrish." I say laughing a little then shoving him back, I noticed that Chris was walking to the cars.



"Call me Jordan." 

I simply nod at him and bow a little, "Well then, right this way, My sir Jordan." He laughs and we loop arms and we walk to the car. When we get there Chris is sitting impatiently in the passenger seat. I totally forgot that we all took my car, my bad.

Par-or Jordan goes and sits in the backseat, then I get into my baby. It felt like it has been forever since I've driven it, even though it was like yesterday. "TO THE SCHOOL!" I yell before releasing a battle cry and driving as fast as I can to the school. 

After about 10 minutes we finally reach the school, we hurry and run into the school. We run through the halls, and I try to call Allison. After ten calls without her answering, I decided to try and find her class. I tell Jordan and Chris to go to the office to find her schedule. I decided to check the science room, I didn't know when the hours started though. I barge in the room and look around while the class looks at me. "Ally?" I shout, after a minute of no answer I ran to the next class; math. 

I opened the door and shouted her name, this continued for at least six more classes before Jordan ran up to me. "The coaches class is heading to the forest." My eyes widened and I grabbed Jordan and started running, I practically drag him to my car.

Or at least where my car was supposed to be. "Oh, by the way, Chris took your car. He said to just run"  "Damn it, Chris," I say shifting into my panther form, and I don't mean just a partial form. I was in full cat mode, Jordan just did his little hell hound thing, then we ran.

When we got there my car still wasn't there, but the bus was. The empty bus, I tried listening to see if they were near by, but it sounded like they were at least six miles into the forest path. "Where's Chris?" I say shifting back into my human form. "He should be here by now," Jordan says returning to his human state. "You stay here and wait for him," I say then quickly turn and run as quickly as I can in human form.

I could tell that I was really close to the class, but just as I rounded the corner and saw the class in my sight an arrow flew right into the coach. I run over to the crowd that surrounded him and shoved them all away, I told them all to head to the bus. I told the twins to watch out for traps and lead the class on the trail. 

I go over to the coach who was flipping shit and simply told him to shut up. Stiles was looking at the blood on his hands from trying to put pressure on the coaches wound. "Scott call 911" 

After thirty minutes of yelling at the coach to shut up and hold still and applying pressure to the wound, the ambulance finally arrived. Stiles and Scott had gone and sat by a tree, all I could here was Stiles mumbling about not knowing what was happening. Allison and I watched as the ambulance pulled away with a freaking out coach in the back of it. 

"Stiles, what's going on?" I ask sitting down next to him. He looked up at me, eyes filled with tears and said in a broken voice a simple"I- I do-on't kn-now"

I pulled him into a hug and let him cry for a few minutes until Jordan ran up to us, holding my phone. "You dropped this earlier. It's your dad." Allison and I shared a look of concern, then Allison asked what happened.

"All I could understand out of his frantic mumbling was death and Victoria. Who's Victoria?" Jordan asked, looking just as concerned as Allison and I was.

"Mom," Allison said before running towards the parking lot. "Allison!" I yelled running after her, I needed to understand what was happening to Stiles, I didn't have time for Victoria. "Jordan go after her please." He nodded and simply ran after her.

I went back over to Stiles and Scott then told them to come with me. I would have taken my car, but Chris still had it. So Stiles, Scott, and I walked all the way to Deaton's veterinarian office. Luckily he was there and willing to help us. Scott and I explain the shadow men figuring that had something to do with Stiles sleep walking and stuff. 

"Well I believe you're messing with an old force, they're called Oni. In fact (Y/N), your dad knows some things about them." Considering everything that probably happened with Victoria I doubt he would be help anytime soon, so I guess it was time to research.

"Oni, time to figure out what they want," I say to myself before I head to Deatons mini-library of supernatural information. 


HEY, GUYS!! I know it's been so long since I've updated, school started and I've just been really busy. I also have a job and stuff so it's difficult to find time to update, plus I've had a lot of writers block. Anyways here is this chapter.

What do you think happened with Chris and Victoria?

Sincerely- The Sorry I Suck At Updating Author.

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