Nogitsune Ch. 26

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Stiles and Scott had gone home hours ago, while I continued to research the Oni. I have been researching for around ten hours straight and it was honestly exhausting. I had messaged Allison, Lydia, and Chris to see what happened, but I hadn't gotten a response yet. I knew I should have gone and looked for them, but I knew they were all capable of taking care of themselves. 

The one thing I found weird about the Oni was that since the attack on me there hasn't been another, then again it's only been two days. Along with two days since I've spoken to Derek.

I had moved from Deaton's mini library to my own hoping I could find something in the hundreds of books that I had. I had read at least seventy of the books, and still had hundreds to go. I decided to take a short nap, just so I could focus on my reading a bit more. 

-----14 hours later----

I wake up and roll over to look at the clock, it was becoming morning so I must have slept for at least 11 hours. I get back up and go back to my research, this was horrible. After another hour of research, I finally found it. 

I found a tiny section about the Oni, an amazing two sentences. "Oni hunt one of two things that can kill them. They hunt the void Kitsune or what some call the nogitsune." 

Well, that's not helpful, through all the books I've searched I haven't ever heard of anything called a nogitsune. I did know one thing though, Kira was a Kitsune. I decided that before I tracked Kira down and questioned her I should at least take a shower and change out of my bloodied clothes. I was still wearing the same clothing that I did when I got caught in the bear traps, I was the definition of disgusting right now. 

I sigh and grab all the necessary things I need to shower, including my average fighting outfit. I take a quick shower and change into my outfit, I walked over to my kitchen table when I heard my phone going off. 


"(Y/N)! Stiles just called me, he said the Oni have him trapped." Then it hit me, Stiles is the Nogitsune. 

"It's a trap, Stiles is possessed by the Nogitsune. Call all the help you can, I'll meet you there." Something just gave me a horrible feeling about this. I felt sick as I got into my car and started heading to the address Scott gave me. I tried calling Allison and Chris, but they still didn't answer me. 

After a long twenty minute drive, I finally arrived. There was only one other vehicle there, Chris's. I ran over to the vehicle and flung open the door, I searched the whole vehicle and I found absolutely nothing. 

My head shot up when I heard Chris yelling, I immediately ran to where the sound came from. In front of my eyes, there was Chris, Stiles, a crying Allison, and a dead Victoria. The Oni's had tied them up and were holding all of them, I suppose checking for the mark. I started to run at them, it was odd though I couldn't feel my Aswang side. I tried shifting but nothing was working, I then saw a line of salt more than likely soaked in holy water. What the absolute hell?

I heard Allison call my name so I looked up, and I automatically regretted it. The Oni were surrounding me, and I was absolutely defenseless. Sure it was night and I should have more power, but something was just off other than the salt. One of the Oni grabbed my neck and looked me in the eyes, it was like they did the first time. Except different, yeah because that's super specific.

I felt like I was losing control, then I did. I, or something using my body, reached directly into the Oni and ripped out a simple lightning bug. One simple little thing and the Oni disappeared. Stiles wasn't the Nogitsune, I was. I managed to somehow fight off the nogitsune long enough to run over and un-do their restraints. 

"Get away from me!" Stiles yelled backing up from me, his face was completely bruised. "Stiles? What did I do?" Or what did the nogitsune do, is what I should have said.  

"I- that thing. The nogitsune, it was possessing me. The night you were out at the forest it left, which is probably when it possessed you. Like 15 hours ago you broke into my house, you wrecked everything and y-you wouldn't stop hitting me. You didn't have any emotions, I stabbed you and you didn't even flinch. Y-you we-ere-"

"I was void, Stiles. And I still am." I lost control again, I tried moving but I couldn't. The Oni surrounded me and I could feel myself smile. I then found out why. I felt myself reach into my pocket and pull out a black knife of some sort and break it. Another Oni appeared, and I could feel the power radiating from it. 

The Oni went from looking like they were going to kill me to looking like they were going to kill Ally and the others. The others being Chris, Stiles, and the newly arrived Kira, Isaac, Ethan, Aiden, Scott, and Derek. "Kill them," I said simply, or well the nogitsune said.

The Oni started charging at all of them and I couldn't do a thing. All I felt was coldness, darkness, and evil surrounding me. It was like the hate and the pain was absorbing into my skin. I tried fighting it, but nothing would work. All I did was stand there and watch the fighting before me. 

We were actually winning, but then a rush of power went through me. The power came from pain, I tried to look around but I couldn't. All of a sudden I felt myself walking forward and grabbing a bleeding Derek from the ground.

"Look at the pain in his eyes. He betrayed you, he would have let you die. Let me in, let me in completely." The Nogitsune said I was almost convinced. The power was overwhelming and the cold felt like a relief. "(Y/N), I'm sorry" Derek said weakly before the nogitsune threw him. 

Then like before I got another huge wave of power,  but this one felt wrong. The power was for the nogitsune, but I used it to my advantage. I pushed the Nogitsune to the back of my mind and looked around. Everything was quiet except for the undeniable sound of the banshee screaming for Allison.

"Allison!" Scott yelled as he ran to her side. I noticed that there was one less Oni than before, she must have killed it before they got her. I tried running to her side, but once again I was stuck in place. The Oni disappeared seconds later as the sun came up. 

I wanted to go over there, but I did this. I caused her death, I killed Allison. 

I killed my sister.


Once again I apologize for my crappy ability to update regularly, I've been so busy with work and school. I hate this chapter and my previous few, but eh.

Make sure to follow me, comment, and vote.

Sincerely- Lilwriterbefree

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