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Midoriya and shouto were cracking them jokes fresh, they were getting quite loud causing two whole librarians to come and remind them that they needed to quite down.

Soon after the early morning date at the library the two students took their leave, still smiling about the fact that the library was even open this early, and that all of this was possible.

Shouto ran up ahead of the curlyheaded teen who faked gasp as he held the door open for him.

"After you, dude." Shouto smirks giggly.

"Nah you first, Football star"

The exchange of 'you go ahead and 'no you's seemed like forever until a tired, agitated looking blonde boy appeared, watching them almost.

"Uhhh hurry up honey fuckbunches of oats I need to get these books returned" he rolled his eyes at the two. Until noticing shouto.

Shouto Blinked, wondering who the fuck this bratty blonde was talking to, he was about to go all off because he already didn't feel himself today. But he decided to calm down and collect himself, remembering who he was.

Izuku noticed the look in Shouto's eyes, he bit his lip and fidgeted before grabbing his friend's hand and fast walking out of there.

As soon as they made it outside, shouto glared behind him and then stared intently at the ground, obviously stressed.

" it's okay, Shou, if you don't know that's Katuski Bakugou, and he acts that way towards everyone."

Izuku, still holding shouto's hand finally let go and shoved his hands into his pockets.

Shouto looked at izuku, smirked and finally seemed to have calmed down, or pretended to be calm in this case.

"Aha, right!! Let's make our way to the subway station so we aren't so late, ehhhh but truly inconvenient meeting him there,  at a library of all places??"

Izuku snickered " right?? didn't even know he actually read" they were on there way in no time, not letting that stop them and continued to laugh and jokethe rest of their way too. What good boys they are.

- 3:14pm 》 After school

The day went by particularly quick like everyone's prayers war answered and they could all finally go home!

Usually, home is a safe haven for some, defiantly when on school grounds and you wished you were no other place.

'Home' ...

Shouto, personally couldn't relate to any of these terms. Of course he had a home, but he never felt like it.
He might be safe at some days, when his father was out working overtime and he felt relieved of stress, being backhanded on sight for no reason at all, having to search for a lost inhaler..and last but not least.

Haven,  He didn't understand this word to it's fullest, but it's somewhere you feel at Peace, Haven, your sanctuary.

Shouto's situation was physical abuse, by his own father. Mental abuse by himself and his own self concious, but he never let these things get to him.

Even though there is a part of him that's desperate for changes,  tired of being treated this way, but in the end there isn't anything he could really do about it.

But..Endure..he won't surrender to these demons that want to bring him to his knees. He kept on going despite all of these things going on with him, gradually tearing him apart, until there isn't anything but scattered pieces, everywhere.

" I'm not afraid anymore. " he Repeated these words every day to himself, just a mind note that he won't give up, and he won't give in.

He used to not have anything to look forward to anymore, nothing that could pull himself or help together,  nothing.

Until Izuku Midoriya entered his life, he says it's fate, magical, a blessing because it truly is. He loves Izuku, and wants to thank him everyday for everything he's done.
Because everytime they talked, he felt he could fly..is this...love?

" I can touch the stars when I'm around Izuku, I feel like anything is possible, I feel like I can breath easily when I'm around him, he will always have. A place in my heart because he was, my safe haven. Whenever I'm around him I feel safe. I will protect izuku!"



Shouto: BOI I DIDN'T EVEN MAME IT HOME YET BUT CAN WE TOMMOROE SINCE IT'S FRIDAY?? I can sneak out and my dad won't even come looking 4 ME



izuku: SO .....OKAY ANYWAY LMAO dude I just wanna see you idc if that sounds gay

Shouto: boi you gay gtfo jk we can FaceTime or skype later but I'm not home yet, I stopped for food

Izuku: fr?? Where are you??? I can just meet you there!

Shouto: McDonald's but the one nearest to the station

Izuku: broooo why didn't you just ask me to go with you I totally would have

Shouto: because you have hw and I didn't wanna keep you :3c



Izuku: Halloween izuku

Shouto: spooky izuku

Izuku: midorito izukyuu

Shouto: you are a magical girl

Izuku: bye I'm on my way right now

Shouto: hurry up or I'll eat your food

Izuku: you brought me food!?

Shouto: of course!

Izuku: you shoulnt have!!


Izuku: gotcha ! See you in 5


《 3:32 pm 》

Was i doing too much? Too much of a edgy shouto?? I mean yall asked for it so ♡☆ love yall!!! I wanna talk to more of you guys because I love connecting!! If you ever wanna talk to me my Instagram are
@spookyteru (I change my username alot but I havent in a while, if you can't find me look up the tag #nyahandsmatter I'll be there)
My kik is> @tsuyu.chan
Have A great day yall!!! And I hope you enjoy this longer, edgelord ass chapter!! And the introduction of Bakagou will be next chapter so look forward to itt

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